Chapter Thirty-Four: The Realization

Start from the beginning

Her smile widened as she looked into my eyes. I placed my hand on hers across the table and watched as her cheeks flushed pink.


"Oh my god!" Lynsey said, "This place is amazing!"

I laughed, "I'm glad you like it."

She took another bite out of her meal and swallowed before speaking again, "How'd you find this place anyways?"

I looked down, "Um... well... a few years ago, my sister and I got lost right around here and she was really hungry; we saw all of the nice cars parked here, you know Ampalas and Roadrunners, all old, nice cars, and decided to go in, my sister liked the shape of the building. We loved it, so I used to take my sister here all the time. This was our favorite restaurant." I looked back up at Lynsey.

"Oh." she said, "I can see why."

"Yeah." I grinned and looked around the room, "Yeah."


Lynsey's hand was placed in mine as I drove home and she was fast asleep against the seat. She really is so perfect. I continued to drive and when I pulled into my garage Lynsey's hand moved in mine and she sat up, slipping her warm hand away and rubbing her eyes. She looked over at me and smiled, "Thanks Ryan. That was fun."

I smiled back and she went to get out of the car, so I did the same. I waited for her as she walked slowly over to me and I grabbed her hand again, she opened the door and I flipped on the light as we entered. After putting the leftovers in the fridge, we walked to the stairs and got half way up them when Lynsey's hand grasped the railing tight and she stopped on the step.

I looked back at her, she was bent over and her hand was getting red from holding on so tight, "You okay?"

"Mhm." she hummed as she tried to take another step, but failed.

I stepped back down to the stair she was standing on, "Lynsey?"

"I'm okay. I'm alright." she tried to take another step, but failed yet again, "Gahh..." she took in a deep breath.

"Lynsey, what's going on?" I asked scared.

She continued to look down, "Don't worry, this..." she paused and I saw her jaw clench, "...this happens on occasion."

"What does?" I asked as she tried again to take another step and squeezed my hand tighter.

She mumbled something under her breath before trying again.

"Okay Lyns." I said and moved closer to her, "I've got you." I scooped her up and carried her up the stairs to my bedroom and placed her on my bed.

She fell back, "Thanks."

Her face was reddened with tear stains and her hands clenched to the sheets.

I sat down next to her, "What is going on?"

"My leg, it hurts from time to time, like fire and needles and it's just..." she gripped tighter to the sheets, "it happens."

"What can I do?"

"Move me so I'm sitting with my back against the wall." I did. "Get me an ice pack?"

"Okay." I ran down the stairs and to the kitchen, getting an ice pack as quickly as possible and running back to her.

"Here you go." I handed her the ice pack and she placed it on her lower right leg.

"Anything else?"

"Yeah. Sit here next to me." she said and I did just that.

"Okay." I turned to her.

She placed her hand in mine and intertwined our fingers, smiling at me smally. I smiled back and leaned down, kissing her lips softly before she rested her head against my arm.

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