Girl That You Love

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I woke up in the middle of the night, my arm was in so much pain. I turned on my lamp beside my bed. I looked at my arm. "Hi" is what the markings read. She was at it again. I always hated nights like this, she was upset, lonely, and wanted to talk to me. I had a low pain tolerance and I hardly ever could "write back." I dug my fingernails into my skin to tell her to stop, but she wouldn't listen. Three more cuts appeared on my wrist. I wanted to tell her it would be okay, I wanted nothing more than to hug her, but I didn't even know her name. I fell back asleep with a numbing feeling in my left arm.

The next morning when I got up I decided I'd better put on a long sleeve shirt, it was better safe then sorry. I ran downstairs after I styled my hair and got everything else ready. 

"Tyler! It's like 80 degrees outside! Do you really wanna wear that shirt?" My mom asked as soon as she saw me.

"God, mom. It's just a shirt. Besides, my school is cold as f...frick."

"Nice save," she winked. My mom was cool she honestly didn't care if I swore in front of her or not, but I still felt like I shouldn't. I kissed her on the forehead. 

"Tyler! Breakfast!"

"Calm down mom. Korey is gonna bring me something when he picks me up."

She let out a sigh and waved me out the door.

Korey pulled up just in time.

"Thank God, man. My mom was gonna sit me down and feed me." I said dramatically.

"Oh no, not that. How can she be so cruel." Korey responded sarcastically. We both laughed as he tossed me a breakfast burrito.

"Thanks, man."

"No problem. So. You going to tell me about why you're wearing that shirt in this temperature?"

"GOD. Why does it matter?!"

"Jesus, Tyler, chill. It was just a question."

"I'm sorry man. It was her again."

"Your soulmate?" Korey laughed as though it was stupid of me to think so. He had found his when we were in 7th grade, though he and the girl refused to believe it was correct.

"Yes. It's not funny. I'm worried about her. It seems like I wake up with more and more scratches and other types of marks all over my body everyday!"

"Okay, okay. Chill out. You'll find her one day and everything will be okay."

"But what if I don't? What if I'm doomed to end up like the Broken." The Broken where the ones who never found their soulmate. Either their other half was dead before the two could meet or they had given up on finding each other. These days it was more common to find those who were Broken. 

"Tyler Oakley. You a Broken? Never! Who knows she could be at our school!"

I sighed, "I guess you're right Korey."

"Hell yea I'm right. Oh look at that we are here." We pulled into school parking-lot. We got out of the car and walked toward the school. Football player and hugely popular guy, Alfie Deyes pushed passed us.

"Watch it, faggots."

"Congrats on that vocabulary of yours, Deyes." Korey called back, but Alfie didn't hear us. No, he was too busy pushing this stick of a boy named Troye Sivan against the lockers. I shouldn't have done anything and I don't know why I did, but something told me I had to intervene.  

"Alfie! STOP!"

"Who the fuck do you think you are?"

"Tyler Oakley. That's who I think I am, bitch." Wow my comebacks needed work, but Troye's eyes seemed to light up when he saw that I was there.

"You know what? Fine. I've got better things to do then argue with you bitches." He punched Troye in the stomach one last time and let him crumpled to the ground.

I reached for his hand and helped him up. "Hey, I'm not sure if you know who I am? I'm"

"Tyler Oakley," he cut me off. "I know exactly who you are." He was looking down at my wrist. I looked down, maybe I was ashamed, I don't know. Then something caught my eye. Even though he too was wearing a long sleeve shirt I saw some marking perking out from under his sleeve. "Hi" was carved into his wrist. My eyes widened. "I, uh, I should go," I stuttered.

"Tyler? Please." He was begging me to stay but a crowd was forming and I couldn't deal with this.

"Bye, Troye." I could feel his eyes following me down the hallway, but there was no turning back.

Troye Sivan was my soulmate.

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