Hanging With the Guys Next Door

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some things you should know
y/n = your name
m/n= middle name
l/n= last name
h/l= hair length
h/c= hair color
e/c= eye color
f/c= favourite color
2/f/c= 2ed favorite color
f/f= favorite food
f/d= favorite drink
n/n= nickname
e/n= embarrassing nickname

Your POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing. When I looked at my phone I saw that I had a text from Laurence.

It is 10:00 am right now, so I guess I should probably go get ready. I went downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed the cocoa puffs from the cupboard, then I grabbed a bowl, spoon, and the milk. I ate my food the I went upstairs and took a shower. After I took a shower I got dressed (pic above). I decided that I was just going to leave my hair down for today. I did my usual make-up. A light silver eyeshadow, mascara, and lip gloss. When I got finished with everything it was time to go over to Laurence's house.

I walked next door and knocked on the door. To my surprise Garroth was the one to open the door. "Y/n, what are you doing here?" Garroth asked.

"Laurence invited me. What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I live here," Garroth replied in a mocking tone.

"Garroth who's at the door? I'm expecting pizza and company," Laurence asked. He seemed distracted, he's probably just playing video games.

"It's Y/n," Garroth answered.

"Well let her in do just stand there," Laurence said.

"Yeah Gar Gar let me in," I said. Garroth let me in and I walked over to the couch and sat down right next to Laurence. He wasn't playing video games like I had originally thought. I don't know why he had sounded distracted, but he seems perfectly fine now. I won't think too much about it. "So Laurence, what do you wanna do?" I asked politely.

"Umm... How about we play some video games?" Laurence asked.

"Sure! can we play Call Of Duty: Black Ops?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I'm just warning you. I am really good at that game," Laurence stated.

"Oh yeah? Well so am I so you better watch out," I replied.

"Okay, let's go to my room and play," Laurence said.

"Okay," I answered. As we were getting ready to head u to Laurence's room the door bell rang. laurence answered the door, and it was the pizza man. Laurence payed for the pizza and left one of the pizzas on the table for Garroth, Dante, and Travis to eat. Laurence and I took the other pizza up to his room and ate it as I crushed Laurence in Call Of Duty: Black Ops. "WHAT?!? YOU WON AGAIN??? HOW I THIS POSSIBLE?!?" Laurence yelled.

"I don't know Laurence, maybe you just really suck at the game," I said trying not to laugh.

Laurence's POV

I was in my room eating pizza and playing Call Of Duty: Black Ops with Y/n, and she was beating me everytime. "WHAT?!? YOU WON AGAIN??? HOW I THIS POSSIBLE?!?" I yelled.

"I don't know Laurence, maybe you just really suck at the game," Y/n said. I saw her trying to hold in her laugh.

"Oh, so you wanna play like that? Well to can play that game." I said with a smirk plastered on my face. Y/n sat down her controller and stood up, and I did the same.

"You wanna go," Y/n said in a really bad New Jersey accent.

"Let's go," I replied with a plan in mind. Y/n came at me, but her plan back fired. As she ran and me I pushed her up against the wall so she couldn't move. I stared into her beautiful e/c eyes, and used my thumb to play with her gorgeous h/l, h/c hair. I tried so hard to control myself, but I couldn't help myself. I kissed Y/n. She was surprised at first, but then she kissed back. I pulled away unsure of what exactly just happened and Y/n looked like a tomato her face was so red.

Your POV

Laurence just kissed me out of no where. I think I actually liked it too. Laurence was still holding me u against the wall. His face was as red as a tomato. I stared into his baby blue eyes and ran my fingers through his light brown hair. That's when we heard a loud knock on the door. Laurence quickly stepped away from me went over to his bed and picked up a controller I did the same. "Come in!" Laurence yelled.

"Hey Laurence do yo- Umm Laurence why do you have this hot mama in your bedroom, with the door closed?" Travis asked.

"So you wouldn't know that I'm here, and now that you do know I'm going to be leaving. Also if you ever say that about me again there will be a lot more hurting than your pride," I said as I grabbed my things and left. I went back home and I got in my pjs anf tried to go to bed, but i just couldn't stop thinking about Laurence and the events of tonight. Expecially the kiss. Does Laurence like me? No, he can't possibally like me he just met me yesterday. It might be differant if we had met in highschool, but we didn't. He can't possibally have feelings for me. With that I fell asleep.

A/N: So that was part 2 of my Laurence X Reader I hope you like it! This chapter came to a total of 1059 words! Yay its a little longer than last chapter! Anyways....

~bye my cookies 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

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