The Outsiders Text.

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Ponyboy: Hey anyone wanna go to the movies with me?
Steve: No we don't like kids.
Soda: Can't I got work.
Steve: Hahahha
Ponyboy: 🖕🏻🖕🏻
Darry: Ponyboy Curtis your grounded.
TwoBit: wtf how'd u do that??!
Ponyboy: Can't tell u I'm grounded in getting my phone taken away. Bye later.
TwoBit: Jesus unground him DarBare

TwoBit set Darry's name to DarBare.

DarBare: How'd u do that?
TwoBit: not telling.
Steve: tell usss
TwoBit: Stfu and get your teeth strait.
DarBare: Yeah ur teeth r rly bad m8.
Soda: Yeah like even TwoBit can keep perfect teeth.

Dally joined the chat room.

Dally: Hi.

TwoBit set Dallys nickname to Do It For Johnny Man.

Do It For Johnny Man: Bye.

Do It For Johnny Man has left the group chat.

TwoBit: Golly who spit in his Cheerios this morning?
Steve: stfu and get ur teeth strait.
TwoBit: they r.
DarBare: So original. Note the sarcasm.
Soda: Give Ponys phone back plz he won't lemme use mine. I'm begging u Darry.
DarBare: whatever I'm going to work l8er losers.
Ponyboy: sup I'm back. So as I was saying anyone wanna go to the movies?

Johnny joined the chat.

Johnny: Hey.
TwoBit: Sup Johnny and yea ig I'll tag along.
Johnny: Where?
Ponyboy: movies.
Johnny: yea my old man is drunk I'm comin over pony.
Ponyboy: okay I'll make hot chocolate.
Johnny: sounds good see u soon. 😊
TwoBit: I'm comin over soon to learn how to use small pictures.
So how was it? Also I do request and if u want urself to be in the story comment or dm me and I'll happily add u in. This is my first story in chat form thing mcjigger. Yeah. Yips. Yups. Yuppies. Okay I'm done later!

Stay Gold,

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