Party and Sarcasm.

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June 14th 2013: Today is Andrew's graduation, which means i should be getting ready right now.

"Zoë! come on we have to be there by 4:30 get ready" Andrew yelled from outside my room

"Okay drew god." i yelled back 

Closing my diary in my laptop i make sure i save it before heading over to the my bathrrom to get  ready. i tie my blonde hair up in a pony tail and start to scrub my face and brush my teeth while doing that i turn on my curling iron and start the process of getting ready.

Turning on my music i start singing along with Ryan Beatty's cover of magic

After i finished my hair i start my make up process,since it's a little hot today i'm just gonna do a simple look, once i finish my cat eye i go back into my room and pick out a long black maxi dress that scoops the neck and my jean jacket  some cute flats and my long rose gold necklace with a  little roose at the end and look into the mirror one more time, making sure i look okay.i spray some of my favorite perfume its a hint of vanilla and sugar after that  i grab my purse and head down stairs.

"What's this i'm ready before big brother?" i say with sarcasm

"Nock it off Zoë, It's your brothers day today." My mom says while cleaning up the kitchen

"Whatever." i say walking into the living room where my dad is

"Hey Angel, you look beautiful." he says with a full smile

"Thanks pops, when do we leave?" i ask watching the rest of the baseball game on T.V.

He checks his watch" In about fifteen minutes honey."

"Can you believe Cabrara missed that hit?" i say talking to him about the TIgers VS Royals game

"Yeah good thing they have Hunter." he said

I guess you can say i'm a sports girl, i fell like that's why mom doesn't have such a high tolerance level with me becuase i would rather lay back and watch baseball and football  than  garden or pick out outfits for the week.

"All right is everybody ready?" My mom says coming into the room

"Yes Dear." my dad says while getting up and turning off the T.V

"Bye  Ekko." i yell  regaurding our dog

"OKay so Andrew and Zoë, you guy's will drive in Andrew's car and we will meet you there." she says while getting into dads truck.

"You ready little sister?" he says starting his car

"For what you  make it sounds like the whole family is going to be there." i say sitting back

he laughs and i"m taken back

"What?" i ask

"Mom didn't tell you  huh?" 

"Drew what"

"THe whole fam bam is gonna be there" he says waiting for my reaction

i just grunt and just wait till we arrive.

We pull into the high-school's parking lot an you just see families surrounding the football feild where the ceremony is taking place.

"Come on let's go find Matt and Morgahn." he says getting out of the car

of course they would be by the concession stand.

"Mattaaayy." my brother says in a funny voice

"Drreeewwwaay." matty replies back with a brotherly hug  i can't help to smile at those two idiots

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