Mr. Grumpy Pants

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     Sitting in her 3rd block, Natalie found herself thinking about the guy from English. Even at the thought of it, her cheeks warmed. He had to catch her staring at him?! Why couldn't she have been more inconspicuous?!  Thinking about it only made her more embarrassed and had her itching to bang her head on the desk a few too many times. 

     "Psssttt...! Hey!"

     Natalie jumped, the small voice tearing her from her thoughts.  She looked towards the girl sitting next to her and was met with a pair of bright brown eyes. 

     "It's time for lunch...", the brunette trailed, looking a little concerned. Natalie looked around and noticed for the first time that the classroom was empty. Weird. She hadn't even heard the bell ring. She gave the girl a sheepish smiled, grabbed her bag, and followed the small girl into the hallway. 

     "I'm Sabrina".


      As the two girls walked into the cafeteria, Natalie looked around. The room was a large rectangle, with small round tables set up throughout it. Students were in line on the right, waiting to get food, and the room was crowded with bodies and bags.  Natalie was trying to remain calm, but the whole scene was overwhelming. 

     She turned to the girl beside her and saw her smile. She could tell how nervous Natalie was. 

     "C'mon.  My table's over there!", the girl said, completely at ease. She started walking towards where she had pointed and Natalie reluctantly followed. As they approached the table, Natalie could see the group occupying it.  There were three people at the table and upon arriving there, Sabrina began giving introductions.  

     She introduced Scarlett, a petite blonde with wildly curly hair, first. Scarlett gave Natalie a smile and patted the seat next to her. Taking the offer, she took seat next to the girl as Sabrina continued the introductions. 

     The other two- a slightly chubby brunette by the name of Sarah and a tall, muscular guy named Oliver- both greeted her with warm smiles and quiet hellos. 

     To say that the lunch started awkwardly would be an understatement. Everybody sat in silence, eating their food and glancing around at the other faces. Nobody made a move to talk and Natalie's anxiety was building as the minutes went on. Finally Scarlett spoke up.

     "Do you know what I don't understand?", she asked thoughtfully. Natalie breathed a sigh of relief that someone had finally started a conversation. 

     "No, but I have a feeling that you're going to tell me", Oliver answered with a knowing grin.  Scarlett rolled her eyes but continued. 

     "I don't understand why Grayson 'Mr. Grumpy Pants' sits by himself everyday", she said, her eyes fixed on a point behind Natalie's shoulder. Natalie turned around and stole a quick glance at the subject of the conversation. However, the guy sitting there was not who she had expected to see. 

     Sitting at a table on the edge of the room, alone, was the guy from her English class. He was again hunched over his notebook, writing quickly. Glancing away from the guy- who she now knew to be named Grayson- she looked back at the others.

     "What do you mean?" Natalie asked, referring to Scarlett's previous observation. Did she mean that he sat alone everyday?

     "Well, he's easily one of the most popular guys in school.  He has all the guys in line to get in his inner circle and all the girls lined up to get in his pants". 

     Sabrina choked on the water she had been sipping and Natalie let out a small laugh. Sabrina was still coughing and Sarah had taken to rubbing her back comfortingly, holding back a smile as well. 

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