Chapter 1 - Star Gaze

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" His eyes would light as she entered the room. Her blossoming hair, her immense beauty would make everyone stop in silence and embrace her presence. No one knew she would be the nations sweetheart, that everyone would eventually fall in love with. Her lovable personality would make his heart stop and love her even more. He knew he would have to cherish moments like this, because the show can't last forever"

( Hey guys, i'm very new to this sort of thing. I'm on holiday constantly reading stories about friends as i'm a huge fan. In no way do i own these characters, it's all imaginative and simply for entertainment. I hope you enjoy )
Anyway let's get right into it...

The year 1994 would mark the beginning of something extraordinary. Who knew the day Matt LeBlanc met his co-star Jennifer Aniston everything would change. From the slight crush at the beginning to filming together made his life somehow the toughest journey he would have to face through the everlasting 10 years of working together. Will she see his true feelings? Will she love him like he loves her? Or will this just all be a dream she once had?

This story takes place in Los Angeles, California 1994. The beginning of the friendship that Jennifer Aniston and Matt leblanc formed whilst filming the beginning of something new, titled "Friends"

Matt's POV
It was one of the very many days you would wait around the telephone constantly questioning your place as an actor in LA. Not knowing what would happen today, tomorrow or 10 years into the future, undoubtably one of the most stressful things in a persons life. Never knowing if you've " made it " or if you're
" good enough" wasn't so pleasing to think about. I auditioned for a few roles a couple of months ago, however as my role on Vinnie and Bobbie two years ago, playing the
" dim Italian " character Vinne Verducci was short lived, I hadn't had high hopes about any other role. As I was debating my life as an actor, the telephone began to ring. This was it, would this consequently determine my future? I thought to myself

Anyway, I answer the phone to one of the executive producers Marta ( Kauffman ) asking me to join her and David ( Crane ) at the Warner Bros studio for an interview for one of the characters named Joey for a show originally entitled " friends like us ". Right away, I gather my keys, my brown leather coat and walk straight out of the door. Driving down the freeway, a million scenarios ran through my mind. I pull up just outside and park myself where there was a space.

Marta's POV
My first impressions of Matt as he enters was initially " Wow the women will really love you " Everything we had been searching for. He had dark brown, slick hair, not much product needed as he looked like the type of guy who effortlessly tries with his appearance. A natural good looking man, with dark brown eyes, with facial features that strike as he enters every room.
I smiled at him
" Hi Matt, it's great to see you. David and I have had a long discussion about who we wanted to cast to play originally imagined as a straight forwarded guys guy, who loves women, sports, and more women, named Joey. As we've seen you previously before at the audition, we've both decided that you will be the perfect fit alongside 5 more other cast members "

Matt's POV
I smiled so widely i felt as though my face was stuck in a constant grin.
I never thought i'd hear those words again. I imagined me coming here being turned down and me walking away with my hands slouched in my hands, but if any things it's the complete opposite.
" I'm honestly speechless, I can't thank you enough for letting me have this opportunity. May i ask who else you've cast alongside myself? " I asked.
Both David and Marta turned to eachother and smiled
" We still have to further cast a few more people. Once everything is finalised, we will call you in so you can meet the rest of the cast. But for now Matt enjoy your next upcoming weeks free from screeming fans calling your name. Let's just say enjoy your private life as much as you can, because before you know it, you won't have a life " David announced in a sarcastic but stern tone.
I could tell i looked surprised from the reflection in the mirror opposite from me where David and Marta sat in front of me.
" You're free to go now Matt, thankyou for your time " Marta said.

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