Alpha I Need You - Chapter Six

Start from the beginning

"Rachel tell us what happened that night, if you can," I said as I sat down in her office chair and pulled her onto my lap.

"To make a long story short, I meet Eric in my African Americans studies class and he seemed like an alright guy. All that semester he asked me out but I keep turning him down, it was something about him that didn't seem right." she said as she wiped the tears from her face and looked at me when I grabbed her hand and started to rub her palm, like I use to when we were kids, whenever she would get upset doing this would calm her down.

"What made you finally go out with him?" Ty asked sitting on the edge of his seat.

"Well on our last day of class, he asked me out again, just to go to the movies and dinner and I thought since we would be in a public place what could be the harm? So after the movie and dinner we got back to my apartment and after saying good night I went inside and locked my door," she said then she paused to wipe her tears.

"Rachel, you can stop if you want to, we all will understand," I said rubbing my hand up and down her back as my wolf as demanding to be set free to go hunt Eric down for hurting our mate.

"No, I'm tired of hiding this from everyone. So later that night I was in bed and I heard footsteps, but I thought I was Kasey, my roommate, so I went back to sleep. The next thing I knew someone puts a rag over my mouth and just before I passed out he turns on the lamp on my nightstand and says "let's see if this pussy is as good as everyone thinks." then I guess I blacked out. When I woke up he was pulling up his pants and I was naked with blood everywhere and he when looked down I reached for the lamp and hit him over the head with it. I grabbed my robe and just as I ran out the door he yelled, “I will make you pay." That night I went to Professor Brown’s house, and after explaining everything to her, leaving out Eric being my attacker she helped me clean my wounds and pack my things and waited with my till my parents came the next day."

"This all makes sense now, when you came home from school you wouldn't let any of the males in the pack next to you or touch you except dad and Lamont, and you were so closed off from us," Shannon said as she walked over to us and hugged her sister and as they held each other they started crying again.

It was killing me inside that I hadn't protected her from my cousin. Instead I was all over the country looking for my mate, and she had been here all this time.

"So now that we know everything, what's the game plan?" Andrew asked as he stood up and walked over to the window and looked out.

"Well, the way I see it, there's a spy in our pack for Eric to get that close to take those pictures and we need to find out who," Lamont suggested as he also stood up and Shannon walked back to him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"I think we need to call this alpha meeting a little sooner, for instants in two days and if you agree Rachel, I would like to have a meeting with our packs and officially announce that we are mates, then hopefully the spy will make Eric show his hand first out of rage that he can't mate you," I suggested as my stomach turned into knots just thinking about him trying to mate with Rachel. Then I felt Rachel grab my fist and pried my hand open and kissed my palm, instantly taking me from anger to lust in two seconds flat.

"Damon I agree with you," Lamont stated then he looked at Rachel, who was looking at our hands and then she looked at me then at everyone in the room.

"If this is the only way we can get rid of this asshole, then let's do it." she said with so much determination, I felt so proud to have her in my life, and I plan on make sure she knows it.

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