Alpha I Need You - Chapter Twenty Four

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Alpha I Need You

Chapter Twenty Four

I am sorry its taken me so long to update this story, but I will be finishing this story very soon. So make sure you keep your eyes out for a new update very soon.

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Alpha I Need You - Chapter Twenty Four

Rachel's POV:

Feeling as if a weight was sitting on my chest as I tried to sit up, and the bright sunlight coming through the window blinding me, i started to panic as i looked around the room and started to wonder why i was in my bedroom.

"Rachel honey, here let me help you up," my mom cried.

Looking to my left, i saw my mom's tears stained face, and on my right, i saw Tammy, Damon's mom. Instantly, i started to wonder where the hell Damon was. Swinging my legs off the side of the bed, both of our mothers stood in front of me with tears in their eyes, and as i placed my hand on my huge stomach, the events of that morning came rushing back to me causing my breath to hitch. Tears began to roll down my face as i began to think about the safety of my sister and her pup.

"Baby, everything will be alright," my mom whispered as she sat down beside me and put her arm around my shoulders.

Sitting on my other side, "Your mom is right! You know that Damon and the guys will not rest until Shannon and her pup are home safe and sound," Tammy added as she dried my tears with her hand.

Tammy Jackson was like my second mom, since i spent so much time at her house as Damon and i were growing up.

Jumping up as fear raced through me almost paralyzing me, "Where is Damon?" I asked as i placed my hand back onto my stomach as it felt as if my pups were doing cartwheels.

Watching our mothers as they shared a look before looking over at me, i instantly knew their answer before they opened their mouth and rage flooded through my veins. i could feel my breathing become labored, and my body started to shake as my hands balled up into tight fist.

"Rachel, you need to calm down. Its not good for you or my grandbabies to add more stress to yourself," my mom said as i started to pace back and forth.

"How could he just leave and not tell me?" I yelled as i threw my hands up in the air.

"Sweetie, Damon loves you, and he knows how much you love sister. After making sure you and the babies were alright, he quickly rushed after Greg. He's focused on getting her back before she goes into labor," Tammy replied as she stood in front of me causing me to look into her eyes.

"Tammy is right honey! Damon is doing what he should be doing as one of the Alphas of this pack, and also looking out for his family. You need to focus on taking care of you and my grandbabies," my mom added as she pulled me into her arms and hugged me.

I know that they both are right, but I'm worried about my mate and sister's safety. Taking a deep breath, i felt my fear squeezing my heart as tears rolled down my cheek.

Taking another deep breath and wiping my tears from my cheek with my hand, "You both are right, but if he has one scratch on his body, his butt is mine," I joked as i hugged them both.

"I agree," Tammy added smiling.

"Me too! Now let's go get you something to eat, and before you know it, they will be back," my mom suggested as she led my toward the door.

"Sure, its not like i have much of a choice," i joked causing them both to smile. I wasn't hungry, but i knew that i needed to eat for my pups sake, plus i need to keep my strength up to take care of my pack.

Just as i almost reached the bottom of the stairs, i felt a rush of confusion and anger flow through our mate bond, causing me to grab the banister as my other hand went to my chest.

"Honey, are you alright?" my mom asked, who was standing at the bottom of the stairs looking up at me with a frown on her face.

Taking a deep breath, and then walking down the rest of the stairs as tears flooded my eyes, "No I'm not! Something is wrong with Damon," I yelled as i rushed to the front door. Just a i pulled it open, the room started to spin and i felt as if someone was clawing my chest. Stumbling onto the front porch as i gasp for air, i see a group of young kids playing in the yard as my vision starts to dim. Still determined to reach my mate as my heat rate started to accelerate, i could fell my body starting to shut down and i started to fall to the ground. I heard my mother scream just a i fell into a pair of strong arms and darkness consumed me.


Who do you think her knight in shining armor was? Do you think Rachel and her babies will be alright? Tell me what you think!

I will be finishing this story very soon, so stay tuned, and don't forget to vote, comment, and become a fan.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2015 ⏰

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