"You piece of shit, why didn't you tell me?!" I could feel his anger burning through, each word more confused and manic as the last. He had every right to be upset. I just didn't want to deal with it at this very moment.

"Tyler, look, I'll explain later. I just need you to promise me that you'll keep quiet about this to Mark. I haven't told him yet." I pleaded, hoping to hit the small bit of humanity Tyler still had left in that moment.

No such luck.

"Fuck that! You're not going anywhere near Mark after I tell him everything you've done and who you really are. I can't believe you'd lie to him like that- TO ME EVEN!" he barked.

Feeling trapped and defensive, something inside me began to bubble, like an animal instinct, when you're cornered - there was a faint flicker of the old Jackson coming through.

"Tyler, I swear to god if you say anything about this to Mark I will make sure that not only he, but also your mother know exactly about all the things you've been doing for extra money on the side. I'm sure they'll be pleased to hear what a sexual entrepenuer their little Tyler is." I suddenly couldn't control the venom that was coming from my lips, "And not to mention how hot and horny you were for me that night at the bar without even knowing my name."

"Are you being serious right now Jackson?" is all Tyler could get in before I kept going.

"You claim to have this great bond of trust and honesty with Mark yet you're no better, you've been hiding this from him for so long he probably doesn't even know the real you. So go ahead Tyler, you do what you need to do. But just remember that while you're busy ruining my chances to be with Mark, you'll be sealing your own fate. Mark will never look at you the same after he's heard the young man you've grown to become." I huffed, feeling my hands tense around the phone tighter.

There was silence on the other end. Tyler wasn't speaking, but I could hear him breathing steadily. I knew I struck a chord.

"You'd really do that?" he said lowly.

"Of course I would." is all I said back.

"I'm outside." Tyler said sternly, hanging the phone up instantly.

My blood ran cold as I put my phone back in my pocket and exited the bathroom. I wiped the sweat from my brow, feeling a dark sense of security in my blackmail towards Tyler. He wouldn't risk his relationship with Mark over a silly boy, I knew he wouldn't.

"Jackson, this is my little brother Tyler." Mark said cheerfully, pointing towards Tyler, who looked as though he was killing me over and over in his mind.

"Nice to meet you." I greeted him, keeping my cool, trying to be polite but not to draw attention to myself either.

"Yeah, you too. Hey Mark, where's the keys? I gotta get out of here, pretty busy." Tyler looked away as he spoke, as if he couldn't wait to leave. I didn't blame him.

"Yeah... sure, let me get them outta my pocket, it's in coatcheck right now. I'll be right back." Mark answered, sounding a little disappointed as he left to retrieve his coat.

As soon as Mark was gone Tyler sidestepped right towards me and shot me a eyeful of hate.

"You better have a better plan up your sleeve for telling Mark the truth, otherwise I will. You can't blackmail me forever. Don't forget, blood is thicker than water. He can hate me, sure, but he will still love me, and at some point he'll get over me lying to him. I'll make sure of it. You on the other hand... you're just a whore. Boys like you come and go. Once he hates you that's it... you're done. You don't get a second chance, Mark is far too sensitive for that. I'll make sure of it, too." his voice was sharp and mature, I'd never seen that side of Tyler. Truthfully, it worried me a little. His threats were definite possibilities.

I swallowed hard, trying not to flinch at Tyler's attack. Mark returned with the keys and placed them into Tyler's hands.

"I get it, you're busy. I feel like we don't hang out enough, but that's cool, I totally understand. I'm really proud of you for finally finding a place to work, even if you won't tell me exactly where it's at. I know it's been tough for you to find something stable. Your boss must see something special in you." Mark smiled with his eyes and patted his brother on the shoulder.

"Yeah, sounds like a great employer. I'm happy for you too." I interrupted, shooting Tyler my best facetious smile. That must've caught him off guard, too, because he looked down quickly and coughed a few times to deflect the attention.

He remembered damn well in that moment that even though I was in the wrong, I still had my roots deep enough into him to be moved right now. He couldn't sell me out to Mark, it would be devestating for him. He needed me.

I needed him too, though.

Now that the truth was out, Tyler was becoming more valuable to me. He was the closest thing to Mark that I had, aside from Mark himself. My link to him. He could help me with damage control, and even aid me in developing a plan to come clean with Mark at last.

It was going to be okay, for now at least.

I was finally able to breath after what felt like an hour of straight anxiety. The air rushed into my chest and I felt my shoulders drop.

I turned over to Mark and kissed him on the cheek when Tyler left, placing my hand on his lower back. He leaned into me and giggled shyly, playfully pushing me away.

"Let's finish our date first, how about that?" he teased, tracing my fingers lightly.

I lifted my eyebrows quickly and dropped them slyly, "Sounds amazing, Mark." I said, sitting back down with him.

The Only Exception // (GOT7 Markson)Where stories live. Discover now