Just My Imagination

Start from the beginning

When I left I didn't know what to expect seeing as how they're all older then me and most of them are married or soon to be.

And now add to the fact that I have some creep of a guy, who's making everyone believe he's in a comatose state, watching me. I don't exactly know what to expect in my life now either.

My phone starts ringing from my bed and I go over to grab it. "Hey mom, is everything okay?" I ask, as I leave my room and head downstairs.

"Hi Claire. Yes it's just that I tried calling your brother and he doesn't pick up is he by any chance with you?" She grumbles into the receiver. Word of advice if you want to survive in this world don't, and I repeat don't, have any missed calls from your mother.

"No mom sorry." Looks like someone just dug their own grave tonight.

She sighs, clearly annoyed with the fact that she can't find Scott. "It's alright but I have to go its my turn in."

"Alright bye mom." I hang up just as I sink onto the couch. Scrolling down my contacts I quickly start typing.

If I were you I'd get myself down to my conference before mom decides to shave half of your hair in the middle of the night.

Hitting send I reach out and grab the remote. I really have no doubt in mind that she would shave off half of Scott's hair. Now I'm tempted to give her the idea just to see how funny it would look.

After about an hour of watching supernatural I shut the tv off. I yawn and stretch my hands up, making my way over to the kitchen. I need some sleep so bad right now its not even funny.

I go to flick off the light, but stop when I hear a rustling noise outside the kitchen window. My mind instantly starts to go into hyperdrive as the sound gets louder. 

Please oh please do not be a cat, anything but a cat. It's not that I hate cats, but more like I'm semi afraid of them.

Don't judge okay. It all happened when I was fourteen. Scott and Stiles, well probably mostly Stiles, had the brilliant idea on several occasions to lock random cats in my room. So you could imagine how irritated, peeved off, and scary looking they were when I opened the door.

Glancing up my eyes widen when there met with a pair of bright red eyes. I let out a gasp of surprise and probably fear too. Okay I take it back I'd prefer a cat now.

I immediately press my back up against the wall. Trying to get as much space as possible away from the window that seems way to large at this given moment.

Whatever it is just keeps on staring, almost as if it's studying me. But that can't be right it's probably just my imagination, right?

Next thing I know in the blink of an eye. It's gone.

"What the?" I rub my eyes with the palms of my hands and look back up. I'm greeted by a whole lot of nothing except for a view of the fence outside.

That's it Claire your going crazy. I mean honestly you probably imagined the whole Peter being a monster thing yesterday. The poor man has been stuck in a comatose state for over six years, and I'm over here thinking that he can change into some wolf creature.

Content with my thoughts, I let out a short relieved breath. This is probably the only moment that I'd prefer to be bonkers rather then actually be seeing something...unnatural. I flick off the lights before heading up to my room. "I must just be tired."

Walking into my room I quickly turn on the light and shut my door behind me. I change into my pjs, and that's when I notice it.

My heart starts to race and I clutch the nearest weapon next to me, which just so happens to be my desk lamp.

Alright, that's definitely not just my imagination.

I bite my lower lip nervously and walk over to my open window. Normally this wouldn't freak me out, but the problem is I'm one hundred percent sure that I didn't leave my window open.

My mind races for an explanation and the only other one I can think of is that maybe Scott left it open for some reason. Since I know for a fact that our mom is a stickler for making sure we lock up all the doors and windows securely at night.

Although now that leaves the questions why was he in my room, and not to mention why did he leave the window open. Because last time I checked, he used doors not windows to get into places.

Tentatively I sit on the the nicely built seat underneath it. This bench is probably the only good thing I have left from my dad. Which is a sad thought in itself for another time.

I pull down my window and lock it shut. My eyes scan around my backyard and it looks empty--until I see the edge of the woods nearby. "Holy sharona!"

I stumble backwards, falling on my bedroom floor with a loud thud. Okay I definitely saw something that time. Only it wasn't the same something from before, it was definitely a different something this time.

I lay on the floor, still too freaked out to move, looking up at my light green ceiling.

My mind is still reeling over the fact that I thought I saw glowing red eyes in the kitchen window, only to have some creep of a person be watching me from the woods. Oh god, why does this sound like a scene from one of those serial killer horror movies!?

My palms spread out over the cool wooded floor as I take in a deep breath before slowly letting it out. Mustering up my courage I get up and walk over to my window again.

Only this time whoever was standing by the edge of the woods is gone. Their silhouette was to defined for me to write it off as just my imagination, but not enough for me to tell if I recognized them.

Well whoever it was should know that I'm not going to stop till I figure out who they are. Unless they do actually end up being some horror movie inspired serial killer, or just a seriel killer in general.

In that case I won't be nosy.


A/N: Bit of a filler chapter. But I'm sure you can guess who the red eyes belonged to. And maybe even who was in the woods...

Oh and thanks to who evers reading this story so far XD

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