Start from the beginning

"Rough night?" I hear and I looked up to see a guy with dirty blonde hair, on the other side of the bar.

"What gave it away?" I asked, and he chuckles.

"You're drowning your sorrows in vodka." He says and I chuckled a little, "I'm Matt."

"Cyrena." I said, and he raises his eyebrows a bit.

"As in Cyrena Bennett?" He asked and now it was my turn to raise an eyebrow.

"Should I be concerned on how you know my name?" I asked and he chuckles.

"Jeremey was telling me about you." He says and I nodded, as realisation hits me.

"You're Matt Donovan. Yeah, Elena was telling me about all you guys." I said, and he nods as he smiles.

"So are you like Bonnie's cousin?" Matt asked and I nodded, taking another shot.

"Distant. I've been travelling so far and I've been back in town for a couple weeks now." I said and he nods.

"Well, if you need anything else just call me over." Matt says and I smiled, raising a shot glass before tipping it back.

"Can I get a drink please?" I hear a new voice from beside me and I looked to see a dark haired guy. I pushed one of my shot glasses to him and he looks down at it before me.

"Look like you could use it more than me." I said, and he smirks, "Plus you certainly don't look old enough to be at a bar."

"Neither do you."

"I have my ways." I said, and he nods.

"I'm Tyler Lockwood." He says and I nodded, he was also another one of the people Elena mentioned. Also mentioning that he was a werewolf.

"I'll see you around Lockwood." I said, smirking before I finished off my drinks quickly and I decided it was my time to go home, since it was getting late.

I walked out stumbling, feeling the alcohol all over my body and I decided just to vamp speed home. I get there and I walked over to the liquor sitting in the room, taking the bottle and taking a big gulp.

"Why are you drowning your sorrows?" I hear and I see Damon coming into the room.

"I need a reason." I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah because that's my thing. You're taking my thing." Damon says and I chuckled, before holding out the bottle. He reaches me and grabs me, taking a drink from the bottle as well and I sighed.

"I'll talk to you later Salvatore." I said, walking off. I get up to my room and just as I closed the door, I felt something get stabbed into my back making me groan before I was met with darkness.


I groan, as I open my eyes, I was feeling tired. I opened my eyes and my vision was blurry, after blinking a few times, I tried to move my hands but it wouldn't budge. I look down to see I was tied to a chair, I moved my hand but it stung.

"Vervain, great." I say more to myself, I look out to see I was in some sort of cellar.

"Not so tough now, are you?" The voice says, and I recognised that voice from anywhere. They walk closer, he stops under the light making me clench my jaw.

"Is this any way to treat an old friend?" I asked, and he glares at me.

"We're not friends Cyrena."

"Oh, lovers? I didn't know we updated our status." I said, and he walks over to me, grabbing my face as he glares at me.

"You sicken me." Jake says and I smirked.

"I'd love to see you say that without my hands bound behind my back." I said, and he pushed my face roughly.

"It's been too long. Let's pick up from where we left off, shall we?" Jake says, and I clench my jaw. He laughs, walking off to some box turning the knob and I felt myself being electrocuted, and I let out a pained scream.

"I-I'm going to kill you!" I say and he just laughs and turns it on and I scream louder. I could hear my screams bouncing off the wall.

"You're going to answer some questions, you don't you get electrocuted." Jake says and I huff out of breath.

"This torturing scheme of yours isn't going to work. I spent 3 months with you, that's torture enough." I said, and he turns the knob making me scream out.

"You still have a smart mouth."

"Oh you love me." I said, chuckling before pain surges through my body.

"You're a blood sucking monster." Jake seethed out at me and I look at him.

"Please, I didn't kill you. Keep talking and I will." I said, and he glares at me before turning up the electricity making me groan out.

"I can do this all day." Jake says coming closer to me and I give him a challenging look.

"So can I." I said, smirking and he clenches his jaw.

"You're gonna regret that."

We had been in here for what felt like days but it was probably a few hours. I felt the sweat dripping down my face, my shirt was all ripped bloody and filled with sweat. I breathe out effortlessly, licking my drip lips as I tried lifting my head.

"Finally you're awake." He says, walking into the room.

"You know you're better off just killing me." I said, and he chuckles. I picked my head up and I see that he was sitting across from me.

"First, I need some answers. You answer a question and I'll give you blood." Jake says, and I raised an eyebrow.

"I mean, if you're offering yourself up as a blood bag sure." I said, and he glares at me.

"I need your help finding Sabrina." He says and I looked at him.

"How about shoving that stake up your ass." I said, and he clenches his jaw. He picks the stake up and stabs it into my leg, I let out a groan, trying not to scream out.

"How the hell should I know? I haven't seen her since 93." I answered, and he smirks proudly at himself.

"That wasn't so hard, now was it?"

"You know I spared your life thinking you were better off, now I'm thinking you're better off dead." I said, and that earned a stake in the stomach, "Great."

"Don't you think it's weird you haven't seen Sabrina since 93."

"Why do you care?"

"Oh I don't, but I know something you don't." Jake says, smirking to himself, "Do you wanna know?"

"I guess I really don't have a choice."

"She was working for Klaus." Jake says and I scoff.

"Like I'd believe you." I said, rolling my eyes and Jake laughs.

"You think I'm lying? How long was she your friend for?" Jake says and I sat there, with furrowed eyebrows trying to process this, "Where's Klaus?"

"How the hell should I know?"

"Because you dated him for over a century."

"I left him in 91 you blabbering idiot." I said, and yet again I was faced with a stake making me groan, "I've answered your questions, now give me the blood."

"This is dipped in vervain. So you're going to answer all my questions, and then after that I'm going to kill you." Jake says, with a proud smirk on his face.

"You know that sounds diabolical and all, but- and get this-," I said, before leaning a bit forward, "You can go fuck yourself." He seethes out at me, before suddenly coming up and stabbing me before I see darkness.

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