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"Tonight is the big night," Georgia smiled as we sat in the cafe in our dorm hall. 

"No." I spoke flatly.

"What are you talking about? Did Reggie cancel?" She stabbed her salad, "Ugh, I hate salad." 

"Then why did you get it? The pizza is really good I heard." I shrugged.

"You don't get a body like this by eating like crap." I glanced down at the pizza, I felt self-conscious. "I mean it does smell and look good."

"Do you want to switch?" I asked.

Her eyes widened, "Are you serious?"

"Yeah, I could use a salad." I admitted, I slid the pizza plate across to her, and vise versa.

"You're the bees knees!" She picked up the slice and took a healthy bite of it, "Oh my god. I am in love. Screw eatin' healthy."

I smiled and tried the salad, it wasn't that bad. It had fresh strawberries and a poppy-seed dressing, Still wasn't pizza though. 

"Now, are you going to answer my question? Or are we going to dance 'round it?" 

I sighed, "Reggie did not cancel. I am trying to not make it a big deal, for your information." 

She rolled her eyes, "Okay, but answer this, are you excited?"

I smiled, "Yeah, I am. It's been such a long time since I have been on a date."

"Yeah, why is that?"

You are so perfect to me, Kit. God, I am so lucky. I heard that voice again. The one that made me swoon and go weak in the knees. 

I felt sick to my stomach, instantly. 

How am I ever going to live without you? 

Tears threatened to spill, they burned my eyes. 

You've made life worth living, my Kit-Kat. 

"KIT!" Georgia's fingers snapped in my face.

I blinked, my breath hitched, "Sorry." 

"What's goin' on? You look more frightened than a turkey during Thanksgiving week. Why don't you date more?" 

I licked my lips, "Sensitive subject." 

"Oh." She backed off. 

"I'm sorry. I just-"

She waved away my apology, "Not my place but I am here to talk if you need to." 

Don't hide yourself away, sunshine. I love you. 

"I appreciate it." Goosebumps invaded my skin as his words echoed in my head as a reminder. 

"Anywho, when are you suppose to head on your little date?"

"I am supposed to meet him at five, at the frat house." I shoveled a berry into my mouth. 

"Oooo, kinky." She winked 

I rolled my eyes, "Oh yeah, let me tell ya. I mean it wouldn't be the first time I've been in his bed."

"Don't remind me." Georgia groaned, "I have never drank so much in my life. I thought I would've needed my stomach pumped." 

I laughed, "Yeah, I agree."

"So what are you two doing?" She questioned. I frowned, Reggie hadn't been clear on that. I remember asking him but he wouldn't give me a straight answer.

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