Chapter Forty: What Do I Need to Know About Baby Dolls and Teddies?

Start from the beginning

"It's so good with you." He says gruffly, now kissing my jaw. "Everything feel so much..."

"More, it feels more." I say breathlessly  and as I say those words I'm filled with a certain kind of conviction. Something seems to have clicked, like a hazy picture suddenly becoming visible in high definition. Right now, at this moment I know that I'm ready.

I'm ready to take that next step with him, not just physically but with everything I've got. A part of me will always be scared of getting hurt like I'd gotten but a bigger part knows that this is the guy. The guy, who is it for me and that if ever, he's not with me any more then every man who comes after him will need to match the standards he's set. 

My heartbeat skyrockets as the epiphany settles in. I want to tell him, tell him that I trust him completely and that I can now give myself to him without any fears or insecurities. But today's been eventful enough without me dropping this bomb. Besides it deserves a special occasion, preferably an occasion where we're alone.

"Hey," he asks, kissing my cheek "Where'd you go?"

I smile, blushing at the directions my thoughts had taken. Hopefully he won't be able to pick up on it. " I'm just really ridiculously happy right now. That's all."

He pulls me into his lap, cradling me in his arms. "I know the feeling." 

"This has got to be the single most embarrassing moment of my life." I moan and squeeze my eyes shut. Maybe if I can imagine that I'm not in a lingerie store with my best friends pressing all kinds of skimpy underwear to my body I'll be able to get out of this alive.

"Shush, this is  going to be like the most important moment in your life. You need the right attire." Beth reprimands, she's got a scrap of black lace in her hand that she seems to think will cover my chest and torso. 

She's mistaken. 

"Ooo, this is cute!" Now Megan throws voluminous ivory satin at me which seems like it's respectable enough until I notice the slit in the skirt that goes up to parts unknown.

Holy Crap.

Do you really need to wear these things? I didn't realise that actual women wear these things when they're about to you know...

What's the point of wearing them if they're just going to get taken off? Why not opt for comfort and simplicity then? Guys aren't really adept at dealing with the knots and clasps that are on these things. Or maybe they are.

Maybe Cole is.

Oh God, I cover my face with my hands and groan into them. I did not sign up for this when I told my best friends about my plans. Whereas I thought they'd give me an emotional meaningful speech and practical advice, they instead dragged me to Victoria's Secret, subjecting me to this mortification. I don't shop for nice lingerie, I buy the basic white cotton stuff. These things are on a whole other level, like the miracles of modern science. 

"Can't I important exactly is it to wear stuff like this?"

"Guys appreciate the effort, trust me." Beth winks and I cringe, "Dont say things like that. You're dating my brother remember."

"But if I'm going to be lending my expertise then you'll need to hear them. Toughen up." 

I turn to Megan with pleading eyes, " lend me the expertise. I can't listen to her anymore."

A flush creeps up her neck, shockingly similar to her hair. "I'm not, she's's awkward to talk about it for me. But seriously you don't need to worry. If you want to skip this stuff then do it but it actually makes you feel more confident you know? When you standing sans clothes in front of a guy, you'll want to have the cutest underwear on."

"See, now this I understand. You can stop traumatising me now please."

She shrugs, holding her hands up. 

The girls help me find what they think is occasion appropriate. We then stop over by the food court to refuel and my phone chirps with a text.

Cole: Lan and the guys are going to come into the city today. You won't mind if we do a guys night out?"

My heart sinks a little. It's not like tonight is supposed to be the but I did want to get a head start. Maybe practice a little, set the mood. But as soon as the thought crosses my mind I realise that I'm being extremely selfish. He doesn't really get to see a lot of his friends and I shouldn't have any problem with it. I don't have a problem with it so this a non issue.

Me: Of course not. I'll make plans with the girls, spa and shopping sounds good. 

Cole: Okay babe, love you. Miss me.

Warmth spreads through me as is prone to happen around him. It reassures me that I'm doing the right thing. Suddenly the bags of excessively expensive lingerie aren't weighing down on me. In fact I'm excited, nervous but thrilled at the same time. 

Me: Love you. And I always do.

"So...what do I need to know about baby dolls and teddy's?" 


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Hi all!

Long time no see? Hope you all are doing wonderful <3 I think at this point I'll stop reiterating the fact that I'm a busy college student who at times has no life besides school. So all of you who respect that, I <3 you. To everyone else, guys I have literally tolerated enough rudeness to not even want to respond to it anymore. So if you scream at me going all, 'Update!!!!!' your message will be ignored, sorry but that's it.

In other news I just hit 50 million reads on this story and that's just...unconcievable. I could never, ever in my wildest dreams have thought that this story would get the kind of love that it has. You all are the bestest readers ever and I am so so thankful for all of you.

*Group Hug* 

Secondly, the school year is ending which means tons of deadlines and exams. Whilst I do try my hardest to keep working on my stories, there are times when I hardly have time to sleep and eat. Come summer though, you guys can expect regular update, promise! 

Book recommendation. I love Colleen Hoover, I worship her. She's is such a talented New Adult/Young Adult even Adult author. You guys must have heard about or read her books which include 'Slammed' and Hopeless. Well she has a new book out called 'Maybe Someday' that is so romantic and touching that I just kept swooning through the length of it. It's definitely emotional so be prepared to cry a little. Oh and the guy's name is Ridge.


Holy hot name or what? 

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