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That night we sat at a large table and had dinner so what were you two doing in town when i picked you up mr. Tunstle asked i looked at Chavez and he said we were going to kill Murphy. The boys at the table looked at us like we were ghosts they had just seen. And why is that mr. Tunstle asked he did terrible things I replied I see he said . Well on a brighter note we had a colt born today mr. Tunstle Charlie said wonderful john replied as it grew dark john had us sit down in the living room area doc began to read out of a news paper than passed it on to dick they had both read pretty well then Charlie was up then Steve. Steve took forever to get to the next paragraph he stuttered and and sounded each and every word out. When he had finally finished he passed it to me I looked up and all eyes were on me mr. Tunstle had a questioning look on his face bird I don't expect you to know this so if you can't figure it out it's okay it's not that I said she probly can't even find the first letter to start with Steve remarked I glared at him and said your one to talk then I began to read with a great sorrow i feel that the men in our country are getting weaker using only flasks and whisky for there work and not finding out how to utilize the tools they have ; their own hands yes this country may fall because of the laziness the men in our country have  grown accustom to . When I finished i looked up the mouths of Steve dick doc and Charlie were so wide you could put a horse foot in it Chavez was smirking at Steve well how was that for not finding the right  letters.  Okay very good bird Chavez your up my brother also read exceptionally well after that dick showed us the bunk house and we settled in I found my self drifting in and out of sleep and soon found myself falling asleep to the sound of  the snoring of Steve the the asshole.

Docs pov

I woke up like normal and started the pot of coffee then I woke  up Steve Charlie dick and Chavez as I went to wake up birdy Chavez stopped me and said don't freak her out when you wake her up oh why because little sis is to bitchy to wake up said Steve I swear he can be Such a dick sometimes (not as in dick the character) no just  because she has ptsd. from what ? Charlie asked she hasn't been in war has she? dick asked no Chavez replied she just has had a lot happen to her and she freaks out bad and could hurt someone if she is screwed with. With that Steve ran up to snowbirds bunk and shook her awake she immediately jumped up and kicked him in the bawls and pinned him against the wall with a knife to his throat she brought out from her boot.
What the hell was that for she yelled as he tried to take in what had just happened told ya Chavez said shut the fuck up Navajo. Steve cried out in pain I just stood there with dick and Charlie speechless don't ever do that again or the next time I won't hesitate to slit your throat I take that you will be on  kitchen  duty Charlie said bird shook her head no if I cook I'll end up killing someone oh well then what cAn you do I can fix fences tend to cattle and care for livestock and I assume you are good with knives I said yes she replied Ok well if your both gonna be regulators then let's get training. I said

Time skip

Dicks pov

After we had finished the bitter black liquid we had for breakfast I lead the gang out to the target field the Chavezes probably know how to use weapons but this is just a trial Chavez went first he started with a rifle and then moved onto the pistols he was a good aim but he was exceptional at throwing knives then robin  was up  her
Rifle and pistol shooting was good you would have never thought a small girl like that could even hold a gun let alone have good aim
her knife throwing was  also exceptional and I had a good feeling about our new additions to our scruffy crew of  regulators

Hey guys so I will try to update at least once a week I also have other books

1. Amber alert for six
2. War angels

The Mexican Indian girl / young guns fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now