3. It's Not Cheating, It's Teamwork!

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Captain Carter's expression was a mirror of mine. "You look almost exactly like -- no, it can't be!"

I tried to laugh, but it came out sounding more like a nervous hiccup. "Wow, such an honor to meet you! Um... I've heard a great many things about you..." Think, Lilly, think! I had a flash of inspiration. "From my sister Lillian! Yes. My long lost, recently found, sister. Twin sister, actually. I'm her twin, her twin brother, Victor Linton."

Captain Carter's eyebrows inched up towards his hair. "Indeed? The resemblance is certainly uncanny, although Miss Linton never mentioned a brother."

"Ah, well, the family usually doesn't like to talk about me much." That wasn't a lie, exactly. "No idea why, really, as I am the most interesting of the bunch."

Captain Carter threw back his head and laughed. "I have a feeling Miss Linton would see that as a challenge." He held out a hand, grinning. "However, it's always a delight to meet one of Miss Linton's relatives. And by delight, I mean that most of them take one look at me and see it fit to give me a clear view up their noses."

"Aunt Brank is rather fond of showing off that overly-large beak of hers." Cautiously, I reached out and shook his hand in this foreign male gesture of camaraderie. How hard was I supposed to shake? How long?

Apparently I underestimated the amount of strength I possessed, and I felt something pop in his hand as he winced. It was at that moment that I noticed something was amiss.

"What the blazes did you do to your face?"

Only one eyebrow went up this time. "You and your twin have the same level of tact, I see!" He rubbed a hand over his clean-shaven jaw. "I suppose you're referring to this?"

I nodded vigorously. "I mean, Lilly always described you with a scrap of beard on your chin, that is. I think she rather liked it, instead of the way most young British men stay beardless. It was quite original."

"Well, that is too bad. It seems that I've been taken in by the status quo." I detected a devious twinkle in his eye. "What else has your impetuous sister said of me?"

"Oh, you know, that you're quite insane, wear a waistcoat full of tigers, and dance a wonderful gallop." I shrugged. "I -- I mean she -- also says that, for a man, you aren't half bad."

Captain Carter laughed a laugh that came from deep in his belly. "I do consider that quite a compliment, from such a woman as she. Has she succeeded in shaking off her temporary engagement yet?"

"Well, of course!" I said hotly. "You can hardly think it would've been a challenge to her to shake off that nincompoop Morton Fitzgerald!"

He held up his hands in surrender. "Of course not. I'm sure she's had plenty of practice ridding herself of unwanted suitors." He smiled. "Say, you want to get out of here and go have some fun? Any friends and certain siblings of Miss Linton's are friends of mine."

I hesitated. I had no idea what men did for fun, but whatever Captain Carter had in mind, I was sure I could handle it! After all, when was I going to get another chance to find out? Mr. Ambrose or Karim would certainly never suggest going out together for a bit of fun. Mr. Ambrose would see it as a waste of time and money, and I wasn't sure Karim had yet been introduced to the idea of enjoying anything that didn't result in casualties.

"Lead the way!"


"... and then, with both Brazilian armies charging from opposite sides of the bridge, my employer cut the ropes and sent us all plunging into the ravine!"

The Light Within the Storm #AStormOfFanFictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz