Chapter five: The struggle. It begins here

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                                                    Chapter five

                                                    The Struggle

                                                   It begins here

After saving Dereks ass and hauling him to my house, where he washed in my bath and slept in my bed, leaving his stupid Derek smell everywhere, I was banned, yes, banned, from going to his house.

Apparently my comments and snappy quips, which are considered more of a blessing than an insult, had led me onto a path where I would no longer be able to grace myself with the stagnant perfumes of his beloved home. I wasn't bitter about it. Not at all.

It would have probably been okay if he had even thanked me- any of the times. But no, smug-ass I-need-no-one-but-my-self Derek Hale didn't appreciate my help. Why would he? I'm just a weasel-human boy who accompanied his Padiwan to training every freaking night. Well, not any more kiddo, cause I'm not good enough for your crumbling piece of shit house!

Not bitter, at all.

It was Wednesday evening, and Scott had finally stopped badgering about what had happened- apparently Derek hadn't given him much detail about his and Peters encounter, but what would I know? I'm sure Mr Sourwolf would have told him more than he told me.

I was around at Scotts when his phone started ringing, but Scott wasn't in the room and I couldn't let it go to voicemail, cause lets face it- I'm too nosy for that shit.

I clicked answer before I had chance to look at the caller ID, and I'm sure if I had seen it I wouldn't haven't answered. I'd have declined the call and smirked openly when Scott asked me who it had been.

"Hello?" I asked, putting on my best fake-Scott voice because that's the sort of friend I am. I sat back further into the small plush seat in Scotts room, the cushion plumping up my back shifting slightly.

I heard his voice and I scowled instantly, not registering his words. "Stiles, what the hell are you doing with Scotts phone?"

"I'm sorry- you've reached the voice mail of- Scott Mcall. Please go fuck yourself, after the beep."

"Stiles, don't you da-"



He called back twice in the time it took Scott to return, twice I had to listen to the dial tone before I finally had had enough, and decided to turn the device off. Thinking maybe Scott wouldn't notice for a while, and then think he'd done it himself. But of course, like usual, he was expecting a message from Alison- and checked it almost instantly.

He hadn't been so mad, about me using it whilst he was gone. Giving me a weak sigh when I relayed my brief conversation with he-who-must-not-be-named.

But that was a few hours ago, and I refused to dwell on.

I'm sure he didn't really need Scott anyway. He certainly didn't call again after the phone was turned back on, and Scott didn't even consider calling him.

What could he do to me? it's not like I was permitted to go near him anymore.



The warm water splattered against my skin with such force it felt like miniscule fists pounding into me- caressing me with their touch. I let the water flow over my face, closing my eyes and pressing my lips tight together.

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