Chapter four: Dog collar

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                                               Chapter four

                                                 Dog collar

The sun drifted through the open window in altered rays, shadowed only by the branches from the trees outside. There was a cold breeze, a nice hue of a bright day. I groaned, turning over and smiling to myself. Another good night under the belt, and I had no reason to dwell on previous nightmares. Everything felt fine. Everything felt Peaceful.

I sat up slowly, stretching my arms in circular motions before letting my eyes adjust fully to the light. I groaned, pushing my head back and hearing the slight click my back usually made when I stretched. I looked around, dazed for a moment and not quite taking in what I saw, and then it stopped. And the morning was slowly ruined.

"Don't smile." The gruff, morning tone of Derek was the first voice I heard, and it immediately made me sour. He laid spread along the bed, his body covered in damp clothes above the covers, the light shining on him in a glorious way. I hated it.

"Morning to you too, Sunshine." I let my voice fill with false cheeriness, hoping inwardly it would annoy him nearly as much as he annoyed me, but I doubted it would be possible. I had no doubt, however, that after last night he was completely fine. No more injuries. No more weakness. He was back to being his arrogant Dick-head self.

Derek grunted, shifting to lay on his back and stare up at the ceiling- I must admit, seeing him like this was a little odd. He wasn't quite as reserved, his face was so blank and his eyes looked fresh and emotional. I could have sworn he was human. Almost.

His hands flexed and he slowly got up, looking around him and grimacing, clearly not pleased with what he saw. His eyes finally landed on me and he squinted, his mouth gaping open slightly as if he was concentrating on something hard. I started feeling uncomfortable and squirmed, the back of my desk-chair dug into my shoulders, but I ignored the pain. Why did I sleep here again? oh yeah, cause there was no way in hell I would share a bed with Derek, especially after he had almost killed me.

"What are you staring at?" I shout-asked, my voice quivering as the air became awkward.

Derek snorted. "Your heart. It quickened."

"Well, that's cause your staring at me, and it's making me uncomfortable."

Derek shook his head, his eyes serious for a moment. "No, it wasn't that..."

I raised my eyebrows, my eyes intent on watching him though my mind was begging to look away. As always, I hated his gaze. When our eyes connected it felt strange and uncomfortable, an awkward feeling settled in my stomach and I wanted to be sick. Why couldn't he just look away?

"W-What happened... yesterday, then?" I asked, remembering Scott's orders from the night before, and hoping to change the subject as fast as possible. Derek faltered, his eyes squinting slightly more and he sighed, dipping his head to the side as he finally gave in.

"I heard that Peter might have been in Richmond-" Richmond, the town where I had picked him up from. "- and I went looking for him, last night. I had just dropped Scott of at his house, thanks for that- by the way," The sneer on his face made me want to whimper, but I was a man, and that's not what men do. Right? A small sound escaped my throat anyway. "When I got there I could smell him, all around. I didn't realise until when he had actually caught me that it was a trap- I could tell by the excitement on his face and the radical beating of his heart."

I coughed, trying to cover up another whimper when his eyes lingered down to my chest. He moved a little closer so he was at the right edge of the bed, a bodies length away from me.

"We were at this lake area, there was a tank full of water- it smelt strange, familiar- but I couldn't place it. We fought for a little while, I got a few good swipes at his throat."-cough-"but he wasn't alone. Someone new came out from behind the tank and they both wrestled me to the ground. They dragged me from the floor and I didn't know what was going on- until they chucked me into the tank."

There was a pause, Derek panted uncomfortably but his eyes didn't leave mine. I could feel his stare intensify as I looked away.

Intrigued by the story, I scooted a little closer on the desk chair, my eyes trailing the floor and stopping when two large, socked feet came into view, and I knew I was as close as I'd ever want to be to the dangerous wolf man.

"It burned, the water- but it was freezing. The coldest thing I ever felt. And then I realised what it was. Wolfsbane. I had only just managed to get out when Peter had left, saying something about Argent being tipped I was here."

I tutted, shaking my head. "So you needed to bath, because..."

"So I could get the wolfsbane of me, obviously." Dereks voice became hard and sardonic, as if it was the most obvious answer in the world. I looked up at him, but he was finally looking away. "I couldn't start healing until it was gone, otherwise it would have sunk into my blood stream and I'd be dead by now."

My breath hitched at that. The prospect of him being dead? Riveting.

A hard chuckle escaped my lips as I recalled all the times Derek had almost died. There were so many. I saved him quite a lot, but why? when other times I wanted to be the one to kill him. Did I really want him dead? would I even mourn? would I be distraught? would I even care?

"What?" Derek sneered, his face contorted with blaring anger, but I was sure inside it was quite miniscule. "Find my death funny?"

I laughed again, uncontrollably. "Hilarious... Running off and getting yourself into trouble all the time." Something slipped into my head. "Someone should get you a dog collar. "

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