Chapter 7- Busted!

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The next day, I went to the gym, I was on the exercise for about twenty minutes when I saw Edge on the treadmill. He saw me. I looked down.

"Well, if it isn't the Undertaker's girlfriend!" he outbursted. Thank goodness nobody else was there.

"Shut up, Edge!"

"I bet you won't make me shut up when I tell you I saw what you and Undertaker did last night."

I stopped and looked at him in disbelief.

"Before I left, I saw you and him talking and suspected something, so I kept my distance. When I heard Vickie screaming, I knew you two were responsible, so I waited until y'all left to check on her. That's when I saw that you spray-painted 'Rest In Peace' on her wall. I went outside to find you, but you both were gone."

I just sat there, shocked. If Vickie found out that I was involved ( I bet she already knew 'Taker was), she could possibly put my career in jeparody! I have to do something to keep him quiet.

"Please don't tell Vickie!"

"Oh, I won't, for now, if you do something for me."

"Okay, what?"

He got a little closer." Give me...the Undertaker's...hat."

The Undertaker's hat was a very treasured thing. Without it, God knows what will be released from inside that man! I had to think about this, long and hard.

"When do you want it?"

"By this Friday."

"And if I don't?"

"Not only will I tell Vickie you were involved..." he picked his gymbag, then turned around "...I'll tell Undertaker the little secret you've been keeping from him."

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