Le faint

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Lillie POV


I exclaimed as I ran to catch her. I felt her skin, like she does with her patients. Her skin felt warm, with a shock of electricity. I put my ear to her chest to hear her heart, er, spark beating. It was. She just fainted thankfully. The team was either busy talking to the newscaster or resting. Blades looked at me, and instantly ran to my side.

"What happened to her?!"

he exclaimed. And with that, the rest of the team came to see.

"She just fainted, probably from the instant lack of power to keep her healthily balanced."

I explained. 

"We need to get her to the firehouse, then we can take care of her. She'll be fine."

I continued, attempting to carry her.

"Um, you should let us do that."

Boulder suggested.

"Heh, good idea."

I chuckled.

Boulder POV

I picked up Sparkspot, and carried her to the EMT vehicle. Heatwave and Blades followed me, and opened the trunk. They pulled out the stretcher, and I laid the female on it.

-Time skip-

Sparkspot POV

I was existing, but I saw only black, heard nothing, didn't breath. I saw lightning, and a bolt struck me, lining my skin with lighting marks. They turned purple, like Unicron's blood. I felt determined and rage flow through my veins. I felt insane, yet sane. 

My teal eyes fluttered open, and I found myself looking at the ceiling, and felt the comfort of the couch. I was home. I smiled, but I sat up, and saw the team all sleeping on air mattresses. They all slept in their own temporary beds. Chase slept sitting up against the wall by the tv, Boulder slept on his back, Heatwave slept against the wall holding his knees, Blades slept on his tummy, and Lillie slept on me, like I would do when caring for a patient overnight. I didn't feel tired, I felt like lightning! I looked down at my freckled hands, and saw my skin was normal, except more freckles. I was home and safe.

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