Cold, Alone, Nearly Dead

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You ran quickly through the forest. The snow crunched beneath your feet. You could barely see anything. You had no idea what direction you were running in, but you trusted that your feet guided you too well. Your hand raised in front of your eyes to shield your face from the branches sticking in every possible direction. The cold sent a chill directly to your bones, not skipping a single nerve in your body. Your muscles ached and you wanted to give up on running away, but you didn't want to die as well.

Some White Walkers had found you shortly after you were stricken from of your house. Your parents always hated you; especially your father, Lord (Kingdom Name). You didn't understand why they hated you so much, but you knew that they couldn't hurt you anymore. You never looked like your mother, but you were told you were her child. You had your father's eyes and smile. Your (H/C) hair fell on your face as you ran through the forest, causing you to think about the events that lead to your predicament you were in.

You walked down the hallway, hearing the muffled voices of your parents. You stopped directly in front of their closed door and heard their conversation,

"(Y/N) must to leave. We cannot keep her here anymore. I cannot see her as mine. I will not see her as mine. She is not a (House Name). But I will not allow for her to live here anymore. She has ruined our kingdom."

You gasped and ran back into your room, sobbing at what you heard come out of your mother's mouth. You covered your mouth to try and stop yourself from making any noise. They hated when you spoke or made any noise in their presence, as well as when they could hear you when not in their presence. You cried for what seemed like an eternity before entering a light slumber. A knock on your chamber door woke you quickly. You sat up, straightened your (F/C) dress, smoothed your (H/C) hair, and tried to look awake.

"(Y/N)," Your mother entered your chamber "You must leave. You are no longer welcome here. You will leave tonight, or be thrown into the dungeon and live out the rest of your pathetic life in the cold confines of chains and darkness." Your eyes widened at your mother's words.

Tears were on the brim of spilling, making you sniffle in order to keep them from falling. Lady (House Name) left your chamber abruptly, not saying a single thing more to you. You got up and immediately put your essentials into a pack and left. You took your small dangers with you, enough bread to last you a few days, and a light fur that wasn't nearly enough to keep you warm- but it was all you had. You snuck to the stables and stole a grey and black horse; she was your favorite, but you were never allowed to ride her because of how your parents treated you. You saddled your horse and left (House Name) forever, not bothering to turn back to reflect on your life there.

You focused on what would happen from then on. You had no idea where to go. Could you go to Winterfell? Possibly, but they would never accept you. Your parents hated you, your entire kingdom hated you, so what would stop House Stark from hating you? Nothing. You thought about going to the Wall, but that would be too dangerous, plus you didn't want to be seen by the Knight's Watch. Those men could take you in an instant and bed you. And if you refused or fought back, they could easily kill you. Winterfell and the Wall were not options.

You stopped running once you were in a clearing in the forest. You looked around, there was nothing but trees and snow all around you. The crickets around you stopped chirping and all was silent. Small puffs of white came from your mouth as you tried to breathe normally. The cold was getting to you at this point. You were exhausted from running for that long, but who could blame you? White Walkers were after you. They killed your horse, but you were lucky enough to get away. You felt a sense of weariness fall onto your entire body, but you had to keep going. You saw a black figure in the distance, at the farthest end of the clearing. Your vision went blurry as the black figure ran at you; or so you thought.

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