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Prompt: A got kicked out of the house in the middle of the night, B lives 10 hours drive away
Words: 1,105
Tag: fluff, smol gay miracle

Short story assignment for class


She saw this coming, she even packed before hand in case the worst scenario happens (which it did), but why the concern of finding a place to sleep for the night has not been included in her plan in the first place was truly beyond A.

Maybe she did not expect to be kicked out of the house at 10 o'clock, midnight. Or maybe she had secretly hoped that thing would have had a better outcome than this. No matter what she was anticipated then, the fact that A is now stuck sitting on the steps of a closed coffee shop with no place to go, no future plan whatsoever, barely enough money to last for a week and contemplating about being a beggar for the rest of her life, sleeping under the stars, travelling the world. It indeed sounded much more romantic when the air wasn't giving her goose bumps and her behind isn't numb from sitting on hard cement. She could get a room from any nearby hotel right now, no problem, but A feels like she needs a moment like this, under the shop's porch in the damp cold air to gather her thoughts. Midnight rain in October is pleasant, for A, at least

A small blip sound interrupted her brooding time.

"Huh? Darn it!" Fumbling for the phone in her back pocket, it suddenly came to A that she is an actual idiot and has forgotten to charge her phone (but in her defense, she was a little occupied). Now musing at the list of contact on the dimly lit screen, A's thumb paused on a familiar name, a friend, kind of. It's a little complicated to explain her relationship with this...girl. B, her name, who lives about 10 hours drive away is someone she met online a few years ago, they have been talking for almost every day since but have never met in person. While closer than the other people A consider friends, they can't quite give this relationship a specific label yet, or maybe there aren't one and people just like fussing too much over giving names to things. B is more than happy with that, of course, seeing as neither of them has ever bothered to bring the topic up in one of their late-night conversation before. However, A doesn't like to admit that she has been playing with the idea of doing something more "official" from time to time. Now that she has been booted by her own family, well, this seems like the appropriate time to call someone.

And the story of how they met should be saved for another time, for that one is too long to remember right now.

It took her fives minutes of small talk before A actually gather the gut to tell B what happened, another ten to calm the other girl down, insisting that she is perfectly fine and no she is not upset and yes she has dinner already. The last fifteen minutes is just them brain storming on what to do now.

"It would be great if I have my own place like you do, huh? Guess it's life biting me back for not thinking about that sooner."

She has meant it to be a joke, but the silence that follows seems a little unnerving. Not the usual "enjoying each other company in silent" silent, more like "I have no idea what to say to that" silent. A has gotten used t it, of course, since B tend to do that a lot, this girl always needs a moment to think before she answers something she assumes is serious. It is rather cute, really, but A keeps that to her private thought.

Sometimes, though, no amounts of thinking is going to be enough: "Go to the bus stop." B blurted out before she gives herself a chance to hesitate "There should still be some running right now, I'm sure."

"Bus? Going where?" There was a pause in A's voice, her other hand has now stop clenching the handle of her suitcase and opt for fiddling with it instead.

Taking a deep breath, only now B realize what she is trying to suggest. But this is an emergency situation, she argues with herself, there are no other options, right? You can't just leave her wandering outside in the dead of the night like this. "Catch one going from there to X, I-I'll pick you up at the station." Rubbing the back of her neck, B tries her damnedest to keep her voice from giving away her excitement "You should still find a nearby motel as soon as possible though, catching a bus right now is too dangerous."

"You want me to go your place?"

A's question sounded like she is pondering the idea in her mind instead of asking, which in turn only make the other girl hit her panic button immediately "Yes! Uh, only if you want to of course and you know that I don't mind at all. But I know it's a long trip from there to there and it might not be the best solution right now. Not to mentio-"



"Sure I'll come to your place, I think the last bus is leaving in 15 minutes, I can catch it if I go right now." A is already reading through the schedule on the bus station's website "I should arrive there at 8 AM. That won't be a bother right?"

"No! Nope! Not at all! 8 AM, right, I won't be late, promise." She is pacing now, only one step short of dancing on her feet. Both hands clutching the phone close to her ear (which still haven't really believed what is going on yet) B stammer out a series of a mother's level of fussing before one goes out of the house: be mindful of your surrounding, don't let anyone approach you too close to run, send me a text 30 minute before arrival so I can wait there, eat something before hand, drink plenty of water, keep warm on the bus and so on until A finally cut her off.

"B." Her tone warm, a hint of the softest laughter come through the phone's speaker "I got this, don't worry, go to back to bed." It calms B down right away; this girl got magic in her voice, especially when she says her name, that's what she has always believed. " Oh and, B?"


"Thank you."

To be continued [?]

Author's note: Mình để A và B vì muốn để người đọc tự do ghép bất kỳ cặp nào vào tùy ý [Chứ hơm phải tại lười nha ahihihi.] Nếu ai có prompt nào hay hay có thể để lại comment hoặc inbox.


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