Chapter Ten: Embarrassment

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The idea of her reading such material gave them more in common. He would have to show her his resident library. "Sea travel affords plenty of time for reading. On board the Aurora I have a good selection of books. But unlike a passenger ship, merchant ships have many ports, which gives us something to look forward to."

She imagined him leaving for long periods of time and hated the idea of being left behind to wait for his return. "You talk as if you continue to sail the seas looking for trade."

They approached the stoop to the front door and stopped to finish their conversation. "I no longer need to travel. My partner would rather sail than stay on land for long. He was just asking me to join him, but I turned him down for my aunt's birthday... where we met."

She reached up and laid her hand over his heart. "I am pleased you did." She dropped her hand and with eyes showing her worry, asked, "But when you did go, did these trips take you away for long?"

"Trade with America could take months if you make various port stops." As soon as he said it, he saw the disappointment. "There is no need for concern. I have no intentions of leaving for such a long trip anymore." Not unless we travel together.

"Am I that easily read?" When he took her chin and nodded, she admitted, "I am sure the other young ladies inside would never think of telling you their every thought."

"I would be offended if you felt you could not be honest with me, especially, when it concerns us." He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "Are you ready to go inside?"

With her nod, they stepped to the door and a Footman swung it open. Inside, Edward removed her shawl and handed the wrap to a maid. They greeted the host and then he guided her to the dancers, where he pulled her into his arms and began a waltz. As they glided around the room, he searched for both his aunt and sister. When he finally spotted his aunt, she was sitting by the wall near a potted palm speaking with her friends. He found no sign of his sister, so he decided to approach his aunt first. He swirled Gabriella in that direction. When the music ended, he escorted her to meet Aunt Herriot.

Herriot Darby watched as her nephew approached with an enchanting young woman on his arm. He had a new spark in his golden eyes too. The way his other hand laid across hers was a sign of possession. Herriot stood to greet him with a kiss on his cheek and then turned her attention to the smiling angel patiently waiting for an introduction.

"Aunt, may I present Miss Gabriella Barrington, daughter of Baron Staffordshire? Gabriella, my paternal aunt: Lady Herriot Darby, Marchioness of Berkshire."

Gabriella presented her prettiest curtsy. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Milady. I would like to thank you personally for the invitation to your birthday celebration. Edward informed me you are to thank for our introduction."

Herriot recognized the chit as the one who had danced with her nephew on the balcony. She also noticed the girl addressed him as Edward, not Grey. "I am glad you were able to attend the festivities." She looked at her nephew with a twinkle in her eyes. "I fail to remember your introduction, as Edward arrived late."

His eyebrow cocked up with suspicion. "I arranged the introduction with her father that evening." Smiling with pleasure, he kissed Gabriella's hand. "I heard her laughter and was drawn to meet her." He forced his attention back to his aunt. "If you are free, I would like to introduce you to her parents when they arrive."

Her eyes widened with surprise looking from one to the other, knowing he must have escorted her. He had just met the chit and he was acting as if they were already engaged. What did he know about her? She quickly agreed. "It would be my pleasure, Edward."

"Has Pauline arrived? I wish for Gabriella to meet her." He turned his head to search the crowd once more.

"I believe I saw her rushing towards the convenience room. She should stay home where she belongs," Herriot said in a scolding tone.

Gabriella worriedly asked, "Is she alone?"

Herriot's eyes rounded with the concern she heard in Gabriella's voice. "I am not sure, but perhaps you could check on her? Do you know what she looks like?"

"Yes. I've seen her with Edward." She squeezed his hand, saying, "I'll be right back."

They watched her slip through the crowd until she disappeared. Aunt Darby replied, "She is quite lovely, Edward. She also calls you by your given name."

His eyes turned serious. "I insisted. Do nothing to discourage her, aunt. In time, you will discover how rare she is. I am learning she is an original as well as irreplaceable." Her reaction to his warning satisfied him. She would not dare misstep. "I was hoping Albert and Duane would come tonight. I am anxious to introduce them to her."

"I do not expect them to attend the ball." She studied his face and carefully stated, "I have encouraged you to choose some young lady and court her. I am quite surprised to see it has finally happened and so quickly. I urge you to be cautious. You know nothing about her."

A boyish grin sprang across his lips. "You speak as if I have never courted a woman before."

Exasperated, she replied, "Not seriously and you know it. I am under the impression this is leading to something more. Is she a prospect for marriage, Grey, or has she just intrigued you temporarily?"

"As to marriage, your question is premature. Though, I will admit I am drawn to her more than any other woman I have courted and my affection for her grows steadily. A bond between us is already building."

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En garde, Milady, Saber Dance Series, Book 1 (Sample Only) now on AmazonWhere stories live. Discover now