{Chapter 1}

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I felt my eye twitch as he blatantly insulted me. Therefore I nonchalantly gave him an uppercut to the gut, showed him what for. "Don't fuck with me you fucking prick." I told him as he grasped his stomach in pain "Who the hell do you think you are? Making me stay after school, longer than anyone would want to, just for some shit like that? Tch. Some damn nerve." I dunno, I think I might've forgotten to mention that I have a language more colorful than a triple rainbow.

"Lemme get this straight. You made me stay here, to make me keep your dirty little secret?"

He quickly gathered himself and stood up. "Of course, you didn't think I'd want to simply hang out with a loser like you, did ya?" He smiled "you wish snakeflake."

"I thought something was wrong with you. I guess I know now." He told me and closed the distance a bit before lifting my chin with his finger "You're a pyro, aren't you?" He asked and I smacked his hand away. "That's got nothing to do with you and I want nothing to do with you, so fuck off, ice witch." I then left with that.

He's pretty much been on my case since then. Bothering me for no reason, thinking I care enough to blab about him hooking up with someone in the school. Although, I'm almost a hundred percent confident that he's still bothering being 'nice' to me because of all of the praise and compliments and more attention he's getting out of it.

People like him are why I hate just about everyone. We're back to the hall incident, so let's continue where we left of, huh? Okay, so I went to class and quickly got bored, so I walked out and went up to the roof. Higher ground is always where I went to sort my thoughts or sleep or concentrate, period.

Looking at the clouds, I started to doze off and felt like I managed to sleep for a whole three minutes before I felt really cold and forced my eyes to open. It seemed to be a rain storm and I was soaked to the bone. I mean, it's not like that was ever really an issue for me but still. I went back inside and into a broom closet. I turned on the light and concentrated for a minute, which is when I felt heat spreading all over and steam rose from my skin, hair and clothes.

I let out a breath and returned to my classroom where everyone stared from me to Kaname than back at me and I looked around at all of them with a raised eyebrow. By now the day was almost over so I took part in class. I yawned with exhaustion as I packed my stuff up and left the classroom.

Let me explain some things about this school. It is a public school, but it's not at the same time. You have to apply, you have to be selected, but you don't have to pay anything. Let me just say, I didn't want to come to this school. I didn't even choose to apply. I was tricked/forced into taking the test. This place is super advanced, but the founder didn't want it to be a private school because they knew that those who'd be able to attend wouldn't always be able to afford it. So anyone can try for the place, not anyone would get in; there is no fee to attend.

Anywho, there are several buildings, all a part of the school's property. The main building where all of the homeroom classes are, we stay in the same room for almost every class. Then there's the gym, an area all of it's own with a large indoor area as well as a field and football field out back. There's also the huge library that barely anyone ever goes to. There's another building full for the tech classes, another for the cooking classes and then there's the medical clinic. Also there's a garden, dorms for those whose places aren't within walking distance finally, there's the path that leads to a far open area surrounded by trees. So basically, the place is made like a college campus. IT'S SUPER FUCKING HUGE! Is the first thing I thought, my first day there.
I went back to my house and during the walk I, as usual, got fearful and disgusted and even judging stares as my path was cleared. I sighed when I got inside, changed into some black sweats and a white long sleeved shirt, tied up my hair ate dinner, went on my laptop for a while, brushed my teeth and went to bed, same as every night. The main difference is that it was one of the rare nights I actually got to sleep. I even had the usual dream. Though, it's more like an awful memory.

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