Chapter Three - Friends & TV Pilots

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The set leaves me and the rest of the cast in complete wonder. This was Hollywood Arts where our characters Tori, Robbie, Jade, Beck, Andre, and Cat went to school. It was unlike anything I could ever imagine! The hallways were filled with graphic lockers and TV extras.

"This is so cool!" I shouted unintentionally.

"Everything seems so real" Victoria exclaimed

The sound of a loud bell startled the cast.

"Scene 1: Sikowitz!" Dan ordered "In the classroom"

We fled there with quick steps and excitement in our hearts.

This was the first scene to the Pilot episode. Although I was ecstatic, I was also very nervous.

Would I be able to do this? I questioned myself. I have been in many productions throughout my life but this would be my first on a major television show. I tried to shake away the thoughts in my head and decided to talk to my co-stars.

"I am very nervous" I told Victoria. Next she said something I would never expect from her

"Me too"

"How? I mean, you have been on many television shows. Zoey 101 was very successful."

"That may be true but I've never had my own show where I was the lead. It puts a lot of pressure on me. Dan and my parents both tell me that it will be fine. I'm trying so hard to think positively but I keep imagining the show isn't going to get picked up. That would be my worst nightmare"

" I'm sure it will. Dan Schneider is the creator of the show. I'm pretty sure none of his shows have ever been turned down."

"You're right but that's why it bothers me so much. What if the show, that has my name in the title were to be the first not to get picked up? How embarrassing would that be?"

"We both just need to work hard. As long as we know we've done the best we possibly could, if the show doesn't get picked up it won't be because of us."

"Thank you, Ariana. You made me feel so much better. I'm so excited to work with you!"

"No, thank you. We made each other feel better an I'm excited to work with you as well."

Our conversation was cut short by the director Steve Hoefer.

"We're on in five!" he exclaimed. This was it, the moment I've been waiting for my entire life! This could be my last chance to fulfill my dream and I was ready.

" 5,4,3,2 . . .Action!!!" Steve called and my journey to stardom began.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2014 ⏰

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