Chapter One - Reunion & Roles on Television

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      As I walk in through the glass door in the waiting room full of people , I notice a familiar face. With black lipstick on and blue highlights, she looks way different from the last time I saw her. " Liz?!?" I yell across the cluttered room. People give me funny looks but I don't care. Her face expresses a sense of shock as she tries to make out my face. " Ariana, is that you?". I run into her open arms, and whisper " I missed you". The last time I saw her , come to think of it, was the last production of the Broadway play we both starred in "13".

"What are you doing here?" I ask her

"The same thing as you, " she replies "auditioning."

" Oh , well that explains this goth look you're carrying" I tease

"And that explains the red hair! Hahaha"

" I know, right?" I exclaim " Dan told me I should dye my hair this color for the part"

" Dan? He told you that?" She asks, surprised

" Yeah, Dan Schneider. He said that I already have the part. I just need to reassure him that I can play my character Cat Valentine with my co-stars. He wants to see if I have good chemistry, I guess."

" Well, that's good. I hope I get the part of Jade West. I've been practicing for months and even dressed up in this ridiculous costume."

" I know you will, Liz."

"Thank you, I'm really anxious to get it over with"

"Trust me, I know how you feel"

At that point, a tall woman in a business suit comes out of the audition room. " Elizabeth Gilles?"

Liz cringes at the name, but follows the woman " Alright, catch you later Ari"

"I'll be right here waiting" I call " Let me know if you get the part"

"Okay" she insists and disappears into the small room's opening.

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After what seems like an eternity, Liz finally walks out of the room with a wide smile on her face.

" I got the part!" She yells in delight

" Yes! That means we're gonna work together!"

I give her a hug and moments later , the same woman in the business suit calls my name, pronouncing it " Air- iana" . How I hated that.

I go into the room, with butterflies beating in my chest. This was going to be my big break. All I needed to have was chemistry, that doesn't seem so hard!

Or does it.

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