Chapter 11

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'He kissed you!' Hannah says.

'Yeah, yeah' I say, I still had butterflies in my stomach.

'Did you feel anything?' Tamera asks.

Should I tell them.

'Yeah...' I say.

'Oh my god! I can see the babies now!' Hannah says.

'Bitch, you saw them 3 weeks ago' I say. 'And I doubt he felt anything anyway' I say.

'Wait that was your first kiss' Hannah's says.

'Well done genius' I say.

'Awwh that's so cute!' Hannah says. 'and I got it all on camera'

She held up my vlogging camera.

'You didn't !' I say.

'She did' Tamera says.

'And you won't delete it!' Hannah says.

'Why not!?' I ask, loudly.

'Because its your first kiss' Hannah says.

'Yeah but still' I say.

'Please don't delete it' She says.

I sighed loudly, 'Fine, but I will get you back'

Nicholas' P.O.V:

Sam and Luke we talking about earlier this evening.

Megan's friends, Caspar and Tyler had come into our room.

'Guys, will you shut up' I say, annoyed.

'Gurl, your on your time of the month innit' Tyler says.

'No its not that, it's just your all fussing over nothing' I say. 'I mean I doubt she even felt anything'

'Your kidding right?!' Caspar says, 'Have you not seen the way she looks at you? Even though she tries not to show it'

'Yeah, listen to the south African' Luke says.

'How about you go kiss Hannah, maybe You'll know what I'm going through.' I say, rolling my eyes.

'And anyway, Hannah took a video' Sam says.

'WHAT?!' I shouted.

'Err, Hannah took a video' Sam says.

'Oh for fucks sake' I say.

'Well if you think about it, its better than being caught by paparazzi and the picture all over twitter, tumblr, Facebook, Instagram, news papers, internet, YouTube...' Luke says.

'OK, OK I get it' I say.

Megan's P.O.V:

I was the first to wake up.

I went downstairs, to find Nicholas in the kitchen.

'Morning' I say, grabbing a bowl of lucky charms.

'Morning' He says, eating toast,

Well this is awkward

'So, tonights the live shows' I say, trying to make a convocation.

'Oh, yeah, You nervous?' He asks.

'Yeah, but I'm singing my favourite song, so... I'm happy' I say. 'You nervous?'

'Yeah kinda, I wonder whose going home this week' Nicky says.

'Yeah, same' I say.

'Oh yeah, did you know Lady GaGa and the wanted are preforming' He says.

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