Derek Luh Smut

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Ssoooo I guess I'm a dick again you guys, I got grounded got my phone taken away, blah blah ya know,

So in this imagine, this is hot sweaty ass sex in, wait not in a hotel room, but in the mf's the tour bus💀WARNING: SHMUT 🔞🔞🔞🔞, (enjoy loseeerrrsss❤️)

"Oh Luh." You shake your head, balancing your face with one hand, and a worried look showers over your face.

You always want Derek to be happy, you're his fiancé, and fucking best friend. The first thing usually on your mind is his happiness, because it matters so much to you....but bitch right about now it's bills. Bills, bills, bills to pay, and figuring out his tour schedule since no one can really give it to you until you see it on social media. His new single Grow Up, is it a hit to his fans right now. Not only is he making bank off of his new single, yet he's making bank off of the new soon to be merchandise.

You sit in the drivers seat on the bus (thank god you're not stirring a wheel for 24 hours or you'll lose your mind), but you look at the many adult things you have to look forward to when you get home. Bills, work, feeding the dog (your only kid, but usually the nanny does that for the small pup), and hot, sweaty-WORKOUTS, and sex. Good God when was the last time you fucked and got laid up with Derek. Your thoughts are immediately cut off when a long wide shadow stood infront of you. You looked up to see the bus driver.

"Sorry," you mumbled, and sat all the way in the back.

There was the beginning of the bus where the driver sat, 3 bunks on each side making it 6 in total. Then a small kitchen, honestly it was just a small fridge and and a sink, then one bathroom on the left. After that there was curtains which led to a narrow hall leading to Derek's bedroom, and a good sized shower for both of you, with a separate little room, which was the toilet and sink. You walked into the room and stood by the wall. You could hear the yelling and hype coming from the front. The concert was over.

You feel the bus slowly descend down the mall hill from the stadium, and all you can hear is high pitched chants screaming, "LUH, LUH, LUH, LUH", and "GROW UP". You smiled, because you knew wherever Derek sat up in the front of the bus, he was smiling right back at the crowd. You hear footsteps and see a sweaty, and happy Derek enter the room.

"What's shaking bacon?" You say in a bit of a sarcastic tone.

"That ass of yours gonna be shakin ma." He rummages through your purse and pulls out your small bottle of Tylenol. He takes 3, when clearly the package says 2 tablets.

"So," you toss the folded bills on the bed, he looks at you confused, you sigh in irritation, "THE BILLS YOU HALF-WIT."

"Y/N did you look at the fucking date ma?"

"Oh let me see-" it only takes one glance at each of the 6 bills, you throw them in the trash. "Didn't realize those are the ones we paid." You sigh.

"Baby girl it's ok, imma shower then rub them thick thighs, just relax I'll be back in a few"

He heads into the small room where the shower is, you undress yourself completely, but only keep the thong on. You sigh once again, and sink into the soft mattress.

"Oh baby, I wanted to ask-" he stops, stares at those beautiful thighs.

He adores your body, the way it's covered in stretch marks from the waist down. He loves the way your bottom doesn't sit upward like implants, because you are all natural so it falls flat, but beautifully to him. He adores your hair, the way it falls, he loves it when it's messy. Right now home girl, you lookin' like a snack to him.

Smut, Smut, Smutsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें