Chapter 2- Autobiography

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Chapter 2: Autobiography

September 9, 1998

Harry was lonely, but only partially because his two best friends weren't with him. Strangely enough, Harry felt lonely inside, too. After having become so unconsciously used to having more than one soul to carry around, he felt weird. He hadn't noticed it before because he'd had constant company, but now there was nothing to take up the extra space. To distract himself, he finally gave in to the non-stop requests and started an autobiography.

He was sitting in the library, using a thought-linked quill to write the first chapter in what he'd determined was to be a very long book.

"What are you doing, Potter? Writing a book for your fans? Not surprising, don't forget to include your oversized ego."

Harry watched as the quill wrote out what he was thinking and quickly moved to stop it and flip over the paper so Malfoy couldn't read them. Harry sighed, "Just how is that any of your business, Malfoy?" He struggled to get the quill to stop scribbling in the air and wished he hadn't thrown away the instructions after he'd read about how to get it to write.

Draco chuckled at Harry and plucked the quill from his hands and tapped the quill with his wand and muttered, "Stop." He set it down, "Simple, Potter. You'd think the Vanquisher of the Dark Lord would be able to figure that much out without instructions."

Harry sighed tiredly, "What do you want, Malfoy?"

"Nothing, I was bored and decided come over here and be ridiculous, as you put it."

"Shove off, I can't be bothered."

Draco sat down in the seat next to Harry, "On the contrary, I think you can. I just have to push the right buttons."

Harry didn't answer and Draco sighed loudly, "You've lost your fire, now how am I to keep from dying of boredom?"

"Your mental health is not my responsibility. I'm just tired, my 'fire' as you said, is not gone," Harry used a spell to stack his scattered papers and left quickly to the eighth year dorms.

This left Draco confused. One day Potter is extremely provokable, and another he is on edge and refuses to retaliate.

Of course, Draco had been a bit off his game since the war. He still had Pansy and Blaise with him, but he had definitely lost control and social standing and it had thrown him off, although he had been anticipating as much. He stood to leave, but something caught his eye on the seat next to where Potter had been sitting. He reached over and picked up the stray parchment that Harry must have forgotten. Draco would never admit it, but he really was interested in Potter's full story, so he read the words written in an atrocious messy scrawl:

I only found out about magic and being a wizard on my eleventh birthday. After letters being sent to me for about a week by owl and Uncle Vernon being driven nearly mad, he had us pack and leave. He drove us for hours on end across countrysides and along the coast until we came to a tiny, shabby shack and we stayed there. I was up until midnight like always am the night before my birthday, watching the clock. There was a terrible storm that night, and I laid on the floor under a thin blanket. The moment the clock struck midnight, there were deafening bangs on the large wooden door. I scrambled to get out of the way in case the door fell, and the Dursleys woke and ran out of the bedroom, Vernon with a rifle(all Muggle vocabulary and references are listed in the Glossary). 

To make a long story short, Hagrid brought me a birthday cake, bent the barrel of Vernon's gun, gave me my Hogwarts letter, told me I was a Wizard, and was very angry to find out that for eleven years, I had been told that my parents were drunks who died in a car crash and lived in a cupboard under the stairs. He took me to Diagon Alley the next day and split up to shop for school. I went into Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, where I met a very blond boy with pale skin and pointed features who I'd later find out was Draco Malfoy. I took an almost immediate dislike to him though, because he dissed Hagrid, who I quite liked. We met after I got my robes, and Hagrid gave me my first owl as a birthday gift whom I named Hedwig.

I spent the next month in what was once my cousin, Dudley's, second bedroom. On September first, I went to King's Cross Station and met the Weasley family, who helped me find Platform 9 & 3/4. I found an empty compartment, and sat alone for a bit, until Ron Weasley wandered in, and sat with me because it was the only open compartment. We've been best friends ever since.

This is where it ended, and Draco was surprised to find himself feeling a bit sorry for Harry and wanting to read more. Having grown some since the war, he decided to return the page to Harry at lunch.


Okay, so here is the next chapter, don't be too hard on me about the details in the bit of the autobiography I included, I haven't reread the books in a while.
Please leave me some more amazing comments, love y'all!

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