chapter17 uma vs heath vs harry

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Umas POV:
   "Okay uma....." Heath says with you smirk on his face and I look bat harry with a nervous look oh..god i think to myself well this is were I die " to.......
As everyone leans in except harry and me what comes out his mouth makes me depressed! And I see that harry is annoyed and he crosses his arms  heath says while pointing at me harry "your dare is me for 4 whole weeks and have sex with me when I say so!!!" Harry stomps the ground "No She doesn't have to do this!ye bloody ares!!" Harry says with anger and my mald jaw drops "uh...ewe I dont want to see you to naked "well you dont have to then.....Mrs.princess" as heath says that he does quotations with his hand and I just as heath and mal are yelling at each other harry pulls my wrist "What are you doing!!!??" Harry says look I pissed "look....harry I dont want to do this gonna do it.., I might as well get used to heath as I say hugging him,harry pushes me of off him from me hugging him and he looks mad harry begins to tone up his voice in anger "I though you liked me!!!" Harry said "I do but...Its a dare" I look at him and feel bad "look I'll makke it up to you afterwords as I say that I reach in for a kiss but to find a rejection "come find me when you want to "speak the truth!" Harry says while pushing me out of the way as I walk out of the closet me and. harry were just in harry is sitting on a other chair on his phone I wait, and wait,... And. he doesnt look at me a single inch, so I just look down and continue to walk heath looks at me "so.....uma come here babe.." He says while bittig his bottom lip, I know for a fact that He will slap my butt I look at harry and he makes as fake smile and roles his eyes at me my jaw drops in confusion....  "Went you gonna come over here bud" Gils says while stuffing his mouth with donuts "oh..uh no I'm good thanks I dont need to be around SERTAIN people!" Harry says while looking at me I feel like I'm about to cry but I just try to not cry I begin to really think of something to say back but...I come up with a better idea... I'm gonna make harry jelouse! I think to myself "ugh! Who cares if he comes over or not we dont need him.." as I say that everyones eyes widen and harry looks at me fast like "are you coming babe?" Heath say while licking his lips as I walk over to him he pinches my butt I dont jump I just laugh daily and I see Harry's fist clentchig "perfect....." I say quietl I go to sit on heath lap. And he just growls in a suprisling sexy way but I'm only doing this to make harry Jealous "come on harry!!" Evie says and harry comes  over "aye, alright!" Harry says while trying to fake laugh harry looks at me and I look at him but we turn away fast I feel something move up my leg and heath is heading store my private part in my shorts and I slap his hand "oooow!!! I though that yo.." I interrupt him "another time babe another time....." As I look at harry and I stick my young out "oh its my turn to ask a truth or dare" I say in exitment "I look around the room and decide who to pick I puck Gil "Gil I dare you to kiss Evie" I say and smile "Easy peesy lemon squeeze" when he said that I shivered "uh...okay" and they kiss and I just smile I look at harry and he's smiling but when he looks at me his smile goes down and he crosses his arms and roles his eyes when he did that I felt hurt inside......

Harry's POV:
  Nope...harry you are not gonna forgive uma she kinda busted you and went with the lousy dare 'I told myself' ugh whatever now its s
Time for Evie to do a truth or dare so were all silent and as she crawls the room looking for someone to truth or dare she points at Me! my  eyes widen and my eyebrows raise oh well.... "Okay shoot Evie" I say while everyone is drinking some vodka mixed with soda I dont take a drink yet and then I sip

(P.s no one gets drunk In this storey mabey in a couple chapters away just wanted to let Yall to know :3 )

Harry's POV still:
  "truth or dare?" Evie ask me and I hesitate so answer "uh...Truth??..." I say like its a question okay first question she starts to tap or foot on the ground and thinks "oh okay.. What are your real feelings for uma and do you love her?" I just say the quickest thing I look at uma and she's looking at the ground blushing her ass of I take a moment to think..... "Hmm.." I want to say something to make her running back to me and hugging me and begging a for me "well what I think of uma is as a Jerk she's bossy annoying and always expecting everything to go her way and I do not love her 1 out of 10 oh and she fails alot,like do you all relise how bad her mission failed in the isle of the lost it was Horrid!!!" I say while laughing and I close my eyes to relax but after when I finishes talking I open my eyes to see jay face palming his face, mal rolling her eyes,Gil looking sad,Evie looking like she's about to punch me, Lonnie just there with a fake smile laughing nervously, Jane just looking at uma sadly, and heath just shaking his head I can tell that even though he's a dbag he knew I should have said that about um, but when I look at uma she's mad  but tears are still coming down her face when she stanss up from heath lap and runs out the door and slams it "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING HARRY HOOK!!!!" Evie says yelling at me I just laugh it of and rollduke eyes "I though you loved uma harry...." Gil says while whimpering "Not cool bro..." Carlose says while rubbing duke I begin to feel bad but then all of a sudden heath stands up "go check on her heath" Evie says while not breaking contact with me heath walks up actually looking really depressed *sigh*okay Evie heath says while standing up I stand up quick "dont you dare!-" heath stops "dare what you obviously dont care for her ya dumb Fuck!" He stormsbof and I starts to just stare away "we need to talk!" Evie says while looking furious.

Heaths POV:
  Wow I can't believe that just happened like I know I'm a dbag and all but I actually felt really bad for uma... I went to go find uma and I eventually did she was in her dorm I knock non the door hearing her crying "uma?...." I said "who's there?*sniffle*"  "uh...heath...." I say afraid she was gonna get mad and she did "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU FYCKIG RAPPIST!!!!" uma says furiously "omg.... uma I'm sorry I won't do it again and I didnt even rape you your being dramatic I just really wanted you and I thought that was the only way you would love me..." When I say that I hear silents then I hear the door open and "come in....but please dont do anything weird and I swear illnkick your ass.....*sniffle*" she says and I just look down at the floor feeling nervous we went in the room and we sat at the little desk uma had "so I wanted to talk to you uma..." I say quietly "go ahead" she says while nagging tight to her blanket "you may not notice this but I actually really like you uma...and I dared you to date me because I just wanted you to be with me I thought that was the only way and we dont have to have sex its fine and I just wish that you liked me to I'm sorry but its just how no was raised... All my dad did was flirt and stuff so he tought me that to so,and I promise I will change just for you to love me uma..." She. unsay that I actually meant it she looked up at me and she actually was smiling a bit and I look down "thank you heath.." That what she says and hugs me "but can us dating wait because I'm kinda holding harry will like me again..." When she says that I get pretty mad and I stand up but I controls my anger I grab her hand and we walk to the sleepover mini party and when we got there everyone was silent no contact just looking sad I dont know what happened but I just sat down and offered uma to sit next to me in a actually hair and she does

Umas POV:
  When me and heath walk in there's something wrong with everyone I look at harry and his hands are covering his face and he looks really mad and confused he looks up at me and then looks away j say look at Evie "okay I think were done here "goodnight" Evie says sadly "Goodnight" everyone else says except harry hes just sitting in his chair still rubbing his hair as I'm about to walk up to harry and ask of he wants to talk heath looks at me precticlky telling me *no* so I just look at heath and harry then back to heath and me and heath continue to walk I feel something brush against me and I feel a hug behind me on my boobs and the touch felt like harry so I turned around and hugged back I see he at ha db he looks Pissed and when I say pissed I mean pissed but he just walks of and slams the door
"Look I didnt mean what I said umabi just was jelouse that you exempted the dare andbhw told you to have sex with him" harry says "Because only o can have sex with you !!!!" when harry said that he blushed and I just smile "you right harry" he begins to get closer to my face and we begin to kiss and then I drag him to me room and be sets me on the bed "you sure you want to do this again?" Harry says out of heath I just smile "anything with you harry....."

To be continued.....

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