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Hello welcome to the world of pokemon this is a pokemon

People use these pokemon as pets or for battles as for me i research pokemon and now a story unfolds

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People use these pokemon as pets or for battles as for me i research pokemon and now a story unfolds

(Moving truck driving)

Brendan:huh are we there

(Truck stops)

(Door opens)

Mom:brendan can you come out sweety

Brendan:ok mom

(Gets out)

(See machokes holding boxes)

Mom:these pokemon are helping us move in how bout you go inside.

Brendan:ok mom

(Brendan goes inside)

Brendan:hmm i guess i should go see my room

(Goes to his room)

Brendan:huh the clock isn't set

(Sets clock)


(Authors note:oh my god why did put it like that i dont care im stupid

(Runs down there fast as possible)

Brendan:what is it

Mom:your dad is on tv just now

Brendan:oh well to bad i didn't get to see it

Mom:how bout you g
Say hello to the neighbors

Brendan:ok mom

(He goes to the next house

Brendan:hi im your new neighbors

Next door neighbor:oh hi so your our new next door neighbor i have a daughter shes up stairs if u want to meet her.


(Goes up stairs)

Next door neighbors daughter:ok i think im all set

Brendan:hi im Brendan

Next door neighbors daughter:oh hi you must be our next door neighbor my name is may

Brendan:what were you ready for

May:oh me and my dad research pokemon

Brendan:oh cool

May:ok bye




Hello everybody i hoped u liked no.1 you see what i did there so i have gotten no dare or truths from u guys i want some dares or truths so that i can amuse you guys

Good bye

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2017 ⏰

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