Chapter 10

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Juvia Lockser always had a hard time to have friends; so much, that her only true friend was her personal guard, Gajeel Redfox –who was a brute and rude man –, so when she found herself around other girls, the Duchess always felt awkward.

But somehow, it was fading away.

Her husband had introduced Juvia to Natsu Dragneel's wife, Lucy right after when they got married, and the woman was nice enough, it was Juvia who froze. It wasn't really her fault, actually. Back at her March, while growing up, she never had much contact with girls her age; the little blunette was always around Marge and much older women, learning how to sew and cook. To tell the truth, cooking was the only activity the blue haired woman liked doing, because she was good at it. Back in her old house, the cook always let her into the kitchen, but at Avalanche Castle, she was a newcomer.

Lucy was always around when Juvia was not exploring the castle. She was blonde with big brown eyes and a kind face, making her beautiful. Honestly, one of the most beautiful women Juvia knew, and she was positively glowing, since she was pregnant.

At the day of the wedding, no one could see it yet, but then, it had been a month and a half since the wedding and the woman was starting to show, much to Natsu's pride. It was nice to see him taking care of her. But when Lucy went to visit her father, Natsu didn't like to stay behind. The blonde had to explain to him that she was just going to spend a couple of weeks there and be home in less than a month; she wanted to see her father before she was too big and sore to walk around. Grumpily, the pink haired man agreed and asked Gray to have a couple of his men to go with her, since he couldn't go himself, he was needed in a food delivery for a village that was difficult to go and would be out for almost as long as Lucy would.

The Duke said 'yes, of course' and Natsu got a little less troubled. Their farewell was sweet to see: him kneeling in front of her slightly distended stomach whispering his good-byes to his child, while Lucy blushed and petted his hair, right before the man rose, kissed her soundly on the lips and then enter the chariot, going to the Duchy of Spring.

Juvia's own relationship with Gray was getting better: they ate together every day, even when his day was busy – which she thought it was sweet – and he helped in her riding lessons three times. The Duke thought it was better if she practiced a little inside the confine of Avalanche Castle, instead of just trusting Jose's man, who barely taught her how to get on a horse.

She named her horse Honey and Gray had laughed at it – both were in the stables one day, brushing their horses hair, both in their most normal clothes while tending to Black-Rust and Honey –, telling her that they were not very authentic when naming their pets. They laughed about it for a while.

The sleeping arrangements were still the same, though. He slept on the couch and she slept on the big cold bed.

One day, when she was sure the Duke wouldn't return to their room, she lied down on it. The blunette thought it was nice enough but not as nice as sleeping on a bed. Juvia had to change their dynamics concerning their sleeping habits; it was not fair that she took all the niceties for herself.

Juvia decided to talk to him later that week, when she gathered courage. The bed sure was big enough for them to share. Plus, to tell the truth, she felt her heart beat faster for him more and more often.

That morning, while eating breakfast together, Gray asked how her riding classes were going.

"They are fine, Gray-sama." Juvia told him with a smile. "The bad thing is that just turning around that small circle is not cutting for Juvia anymore."

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