Chapter 1

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I lay in my bed, drifting off to sleep until I hear a huge bang coming from outside. It startled me, but what do I expect? I live at a bar.

My older brother Dallas Winston knocks on my door and walks in.
"What do you want I'm trying to get some sleep, if it's even possible around here." I groan.
"I think you need some friends, you're gonna meet my gang tomorrow around 10 o'clock you hear?" Dallas says while taking a puff of his cigarette. I nod as he walks out the doors.

I start to get excited while trying to fall asleep. I'm might have friends of my own, I never really had friends thanks to my parents back in New York. They always used to abuse me. I got sent out here to Tulsa Oklahoma to live with my amazing brother. That's not sarcasm either I love Dallas but he can be a real jerk sometimes.

I heard tell of Dallas's gang but I never really met them. We crossed paths but never said anything to each other. I finally fall asleep while my thoughts continue to wander.

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