I Never Really Cared

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I Never Really Cared

"ONE LAST EPISODE!" There was I. I was about to click the next episode of the current anime I am watching: Noragami. It was damn hell awesome. It's an anime about gods. Main character's name was Yato, Yatogami (Yato god). His shinki's (regalia's) name is Yukine. And one of his believers or his only believer is, Hiyori Iki. The manga is still ongoing so I better depend on that.

Manga means Japanese comics, while anime means Japanese cartoons. If I remember that is. But I don't want to call anime cartoons. First of all they are nothing alike. And second, if anime is really for kids why are there some that are rated? Some people say it's like this and like that. But anime ain't really for kids, and that's that. Because most anime have some perverted parts.

But obviously, I'm not saying that I'm a pervert. It doesn't mean you watch anime, it means your are a perv. No, I watch anime because it makes me calm and I really enjoy watching. It gives a relaxing sensation. Sometimes or maybe most of the times, I learn from them. At least it has a story unlike the other things people watch.

By the way, anime also comes from different genres. Most of the time, I like genres that are Action and comedy. Tiny bit of romance and mystery.

Now, now. I know, all of you are thinking incoherent things. But don't judge. Because who are we to even judge? I mean, some people watch much more weird things than me but we otakus (anime lovers) don't really judge. People have they're own liking, so let's not mess with it.

Anyways, going back to the original topic. I was about to click the next episode when the damn computer shut off. Great. Just, great. What am I supposed to do? My only fun, aside from studying my brains out, is gone! I should better work it off then.

At least I still have my precious phone. I think this was a punishment for being such a cold-heart being all the time. Okay, okay. Flashback, coming through.

"Wahh! Hammy is dead! Hammy is dead!" A classmate of mine cried out along with the others. Hammy is our class pet. It's a hamster obviously.

"It's okay, Steven. Hammy is in a better place now." Mrs. Anderson tried to calm them down, but they only cried louder.

To be honest, I never cared about that class pet. It's just an animal. Animals have no souls based on my studies. So they never really go to neither Heaven or Hell, but humans do. All that was in my thinking, just let it die, it's just a gerble anyways. It even can't feed itself.

I stood up from my seat so that I could be out of this destruction. I went to Mrs. Anderson and said, "Mrs. Anderson may I go home now? We still have homework to do due for tomorrow, and I still have a show to catch up on to."

Everyone lifted their crying faces to me, not believing of why how could I be like this in such cases, but it never really matter that much to me. Mrs. Anderson fixed her glasses before lifting her gaze upon me. she then said, "My dear Liza, yes you may go, but please be aware of you're attitude. It affects others. You are a smart girl, I hope this much you could understand."

I nodded my head in response, and to be honest I wasn't getting anything she was saying. I understood it, but at the same time I didn't. I understand what she said, but what I didn't understand was that, what for do I have to care for them? To care for watching how my mouth works? They shouldn't interfere with others. They should just all mind their businesses and I mind mine, because I never mind theirs.

The following day at school, I was greeted by death glares and some people with faces that are with hate. Some were talking about me. But I never really cared. "Dry Ice." I heard someone mutter behind me. it was uh.. the boy who was screaming about the gerble's death yesterday. I never knew his name though.

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