Chapter 8

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"It's almost fascinating how you care abou them", Tigress said under her breath, not fully understanding if Su really meant what she told. She simply couldn't believe that a criminal mastermind would care that deeply for someone. It was too good to be true. No matter how hard she tried, Tigress just couldn't imagine her as a loving big sister.

The snow leopard gave her a questioning look. "Mind to explain why?", she asked.

"One would think after all the things someone like you has been trough, they'd forget to care about people."

"That's what ordinary villinas do. I am not ordinary." Streching one last time, Su stood up, holding out a paw to Tigress, which was slapped away.

"I can stand up on my own, thank you very much", she growled.

Narrowing her eyes, Su stepped away. "Very well. If that's how we'll play this game."

The tiger master was greatly confiused by the line of 'play this game' but had no time to say anything as she jumped to an other roof and smirked back at her. Why did I even assume that we'd walk on the street like normal people?, she questioned herself. Tigress had no problem with moving on rooftops but she didn't do it if it wasn't nessasary. So now she was standing at the edge of, looking at the snow leopard who waited for her more or less patiently.

"Are you comming or what?", Su asked and crossed her arms, her tail waving from left to right. Eighter her patience was gone by now or she was just corious why Tigress hesitated.

"We would get peopl's attention by jumping from roof to roof."

Su looked down to the street, eyeing the pasants who were passing by, only caring about their buissines. They didn't seem to mind each other. They didn't seem to mind the two felines' shadows, which should have drawn attention. The snow leopard narrowed her eyes. Why these people don't use the gift of seeing perfectly, I'll never understand, she thought. Looking back to Tigress, she said, "They wouldn't care about it and they wouldn't even see it. All of them walking trough this world blindly. We have nothing to worry about."

Tigress seemd to think about it for a second before she jumped over to the next roof. "Fine. Let's get going." 

Su chuckled a little as she landed a roof behind her. "I suppose I should go slow?", she asked.

"Excuse me?"

Sighing, the snow leopard put her paws on her hips. "You can't jump as far as I can so you'd need to hurry up." The comment made Tigress growl but it didn't seem to affect her at all. "Growling won't make you faster." With that, she jumped away. Of course she was faster and of course Tigress wouldn't admit that she had problems catching up- not even to herself.

Several hours later, the two felines were far awy from the city, walking trough the forest on a small road. While Tigress would stick to walking on the road, Su would run and jump around in the snow and check the airier for anyone following them. However, the tiger master choose to ignore her. Eighter because she thought it was silly how she played in the snow or because she enjoyed the thought of traveling alone. Su on the other hand didn't care about Tigress' existens becaus she was only minding her own buissnes...which was being a snow leopard.

She never would say it out loud but she only needed a little snow and she would turn into an inocent playfull cub. Every snowy winter day, she would convince her sisters to get down from the Hubai Volcano just to have a snow ball fight for old time's shake. It never took much convincing for Wing and Wan to go along but some times, Su was thinking they cam along because they didn't want to leave her alone.

"Would you mind to stop acting like a child?", Tigress asked in  annoyance. Only a few seconds passed before she got a snow ball in her face. "Oh that's it!", she hissed and stepped up to the snow leopard.

Su smirked. "Try to catch me, kitten." She started running trough the deep snow, knowing Tigress wouldn't catch up with her too eaily. So there they were. Chacing each other trough the snow, slowly losing getting lost- not that Su cared about not having the road in the near. She would only have to wait until the night comes and then she would only need to look at the starts to know which way to go. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Tigress forcing herself trough the snow. She stopped to spin around and lung at her, presing the tiger master down into the snow.

"Gett off me!" Tigress threw a hand full snow into her face but it did nothing to ease the gripp Su had on her shoulder. But to her surprise, she actually got off of her a moment later.

Su held a paw out to her, not getting her hopes up hight Tigress would take it this time. And again, it was just slapped away. "All right."

Standing up, the tiger master looked around. She didn't notice how far away they were from the road. "Ae you kidding me? Let me guess, your new master plan is getting lost?"

"No. My masterplan is to climb instead of walking around for days", Su explained, looking at the mountain in front of them.

Crossing her arms, Tigress raised an eyebrow. "You seriously want to climb a forzen mountain?"

"Oh please", she paused to gestculate at herself, " You are traveling with a snow leopard. It's completely safe."

Tigress' doubts about that statement grew even big when she found herself standing on a cliff with no way up and no way down. She couldn't go climb back to the ground and there was no way she'd make the jump. Looking up, she saw that Su wasn't around anymore. Just too good. I'm stuck here and she an off.  A growl escaped her troath. Oh no. I'M not letting her get aways that easily.

And with that, she jumped.

For a second, it looked like she would make it.

Her paw slipped on the frozen stone.

She knew Su would be too far to catch her.

The final question was if Tigress could somehow safe herself.

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