Evelyn and I both chuckled, and then she said "nice to meet you too, Tyler. Peter said a lot of great things about you."

I could see that saying 'Peter' was as weird for her as it was for me to say 'Evelyn'.

"I can only guess," Tyler responded, "after all, I'm his first love. Sorry."

"Oh really," Evelyn said with a goofy frown on her face, "I can argue that."

"Hey, don't fight over me," I interrupted them, cackling.

"So Avsam," Evelyn exclaimed, "I really wanna send you something!"

I sighed. "Yeah, well, I told you. My parents are a pain in the ass."

"Can't you just tell them not to open it?" she asked.

"They'd get suspicious and think that I'm ordering drugs or something," I explained.

"Come on, they'll see my name on it!" she insisted.

"That's the thing, Avsama," I tried to keep calm, "they don't know who you are."

She stood silent for a bit. "Neither do my parents. But if they see your name on it, they'd think it's a friend and leave it alone."

"How many times should I tell you? My parents are not like yours! Stop it already," I emphasized.

She opened her mouth and seemed ready to say something, but then she closed it and brought a look to her face that made me feel guilty.

"I can help you with that," Tyler saved it.

I turned to him. "What do you mean?"

"Well, she can send whatever she wants to send to my address, and then I'll give it to you," he explained.

"Yes!" Evelyn exclaimed.

"I guess that'll work," I stated.

So Tyler took possession of the laptop and typed down his address on Skype's message board.

"Thank you, Tyler," Evelyn said, "really."

"So what are you going to send?" I asked her.

"That's a surprise, of course," she said.

"Now I want to know even more," I cried.

"Sorry," she said in a salty way, "listen, I gotta go now. See you?"

"Yes, see you. Bye Avsama," I pursued.

"Bye Evelyn," Tyler said too.

"Bye Tyler," she replied, "and thanks again! Bye Avsam! I love you."

I nodded at her smiling face and then hung up the call. Tyler looked at me with a weird expression.

I looked back at him, frowning, before he stated "well, I better be going now. See you soon, Pete."

After Tyler left, I looked at my phone and noticed a call from Evelyn. I looked around and ran back to my room. Quickly, I answered the call.

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