You would have never taken notice of me, and you never did. So excuse me for wanting to stay friends with the one girl who was willing to accept me without knowing I could be any different." He finished, voice returning to the normal somewhere along the line. My heart stopped when he pushed the door open, storming out of the car.

My head dropped onto the steering wheel and I sighed, dabbing at my eyes to get rid of any tears. I just didn't want him to fall for her. I knew he was right, and that was what hurt the most. I would've never taken Harry as a friend, much less taken a romantic liking to him. Why did I have to get us into this stupid fight?

Harry had held on to every bit of calm he had, while I screamed my guts out at him. He'd kept his cool, and if I'd just let this go, we wouldn't be in this position. I let out a sigh, resting my head in my hands as I calmed myself down.

I bit my lip as I locked the car up, wrapping my arms around myself as I walked quietly into the school. Knowing Bianca and Calvin, they wouldn't be here until two minutes before first period, so I had no other option but to wearily walk to my first class.

There was a girl in the corner, deeply engrossed in a book she was reading. She almost looked like she was about to fall into it. She jumped in surprise at something she read, looking up to see if anyone had seen her and blushing when she realized I'd been watching her.

She almost reminded me of the sweet curly haired boy sitting in the front row. He was nervously fiddling with his fingers, glancing around the room before his eyes returned to the book in front of him. His eyes weren't the bright, sparkly color they usually were as he read something that interested him.

I puffed out a breath, finally moving to go and sit beside Harry. But even when I got to him, he didn't take his bag off the seat and place it on the floor beside his feet like he usually would. He just kept his attention on the book. I sighed, moving to go and sit where I usually sat with Bianca, but then I turned abruptly when I heard him call my name softly in a stammer.

He blinked lightly as he looked at me, then proceeded to move his bag out of the way. My feet carried to me to the now familiar seat, eyes glancing up at the girl in the corner to see her curiously watch our exchange. She offered me a small smile, mouthing 'it's okay' in reassurance. I didn't know her, but I suddenly seemed to take a liking to her, smiling back and offering a small nod in acknowledgment.

"Harry," I started.

But the comfort I had been granted when he offered me the seat went down the drain in rushed waves when he ignored me. His body slumped in his seat and he turned away from me.

Throughout the day, Harry had been ignoring me. He offered me a cold shoulder, and although I sat beside him in every class we had together, I couldn't help but feel further from him than I ever had.

He was angry with me. Harry Styles, my awkward little nerd was mad at me. The thought pulled a sad smile to my lips as I picked at my food, eyes darting up to the boy in hopes of catching his eye. The one time I did though, he looked away instantly, almost as if we were unfamiliar strangers.

I hadn't seen him with that girl today at least. It was the one thing I found comfort in. It was all her fault. Why did she have to be so touchy with Harry. Confessing her feelings, trying to kiss him, constantly texting him. Was he blind to her advances? Or did he just enjoy them? My heart skipped a beat at the thought. No, Harry had told me he had feelings for me. He only sought refuge in me.

My eyes widened when I felt a smack to my head, and my hand automatically moved up to massage the now sore spot.

"What the fuck was that for?" I grumbled as I turned to Bianca.

She grinned cheekily at me, then placed her hand on mine,"He'll come around, don't worry." She smiled reassuringly, and I smiled back when Calvin nodded in agreement.

I licked my lips as I struggled to fit the food into mouth. My heart jumped a million miles when my phone rung, sheepishly smiling at the other people at the table to apologize.

"Hello?" I asked quietly at the unknown number. But what followed, I was not expecting.

"Is this Amelia?" The person mumbled.

"Yes, who's this please?" I asked softly, addressing the female's voice.

"You're Scott's sister, right?" She murmured quietly into the phone.

"Yes, I am." I confirmed boldly.

The next few words she spoke brought my world crushing down, and I bolted out of my seat through the hallway, barely hearing the loud footsteps that padded behind me, as well as the voices screaming my name.

This couldn't be happening.

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