Chapter 1 - School

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Riya stared at the giant school from the menacing gates. 

...Why am I even going here, she thought to herself. She heard someone walking behind her, and she moved out of the way. She looked to see who it was, and a girl with a blonde ponytail sauntered by. 

She seems stuck up, Riya thought as she stared at the back of the girls head. Riya gulped and fixed her tie, then took her first step into her new school.

She stepped into her new class and the first thing she noticed was that no-one was there. She shrugged and sat down in a random seat. She picked at her fingernails awkwardly with a blank expression while silently worrying. She then heard someone enter the class a tad bit later. Riya looked up nonchalantly and noticed it was the blonde girl. The girl walked towards Riya and sat with her. She had a small human with horns following her. 

Thats weird, she thought 

I don't remember seeing her earlier. 

"Hey-o, im Camille!" the girl said in a sing-song voice, while propping the tiny doll-like child on the desk. 

"Riya" Riya replied. 

"Want to be friends?" Camille asked. Riya looked up 

"You sound like the author doesn't know how to create relationships." Riya said with cold eyes. Camille awkwardly laughed because it was true but also because she was confused by Riyas eyes. 

"I just wanted to be friends because I'm scared of everyone else at this school." Camille said. 

"I really do not care." Riya said. Camille smiled and continued to ask questions she probably shouldn't, like: 

"Why are your eyes white? Whats up with your little devil horns? How come you're wearing a sick mask? Are you sick? Do you want to see the school nurse?" which were all replied with a shrug.

The teacher walked into the room around 5 minutes later.

 "Hello new students. I am your teacher, Mrs. McCormik, and I will be teaching you all Magic theory, and Magic exercises, So pretty much all of your classes." The students replied with a monotone 

"Hello Mrs, McCormik" and then the day started.

The bell rang after Magic Theory and the students walked towards the gym. Riya wanted to get as far away from Camille and her weird small child, but she caught up. 

"Hey, I think today we're summoning our familiars for the entire class!" she said as the kid nodded. Riya looked like she could not care less. 

I just want to go home, why do I have to do this, Riya thought to herself. She entered the large doors the lead to the 'gym' which was really a small stadium. 

How much was this schools budget? Riya thought to herself in awe. Camille grabbed her hand and dragged Riya forward towards the rest of the class. The bell that signifies the beginning of class rang and they all sat down. 

"Hello class. Today, we're going to be putting what we learnt into practice. I'll give you a demonstration on how to summon your familiar." Mrs. McCormik motioned for everyone to back up. She grabbed a piece of paper with a magic circle drawn on it, and whispered an incantation. A billow of pink smoke rose from the paper, and a small lion jumped out. Most of the class screamed. 

"See, it's as easy as that. The incantation you use to call out your familiar is 'Inflago Micoria'. I'll call you up and try to summon your familiar. You might not get it on your first try, do not worry. First up-" The teacher called out students names, most of the kids ending in failure. The ones that did call out their familiars were all pretty boring, one kid got a turtle, another got a goat (which proceeded to try to eat its summoning paper), but one kid summoned a dog with a ghost tail. Everyone Oohed and Awed at the cute little puppy. The girl who summoned the dog looked at Camille and stuck her tongue out. 

"Anya..." Camille whispered angrily. Riya looked at each of the kids and went back to looking at everything in the stadium.

 "Camille Rasmussen" Riya moved her legs out of the way so that Camille could get to the papers. Camille propped the kid up in front of everyone and whispered 

"Inflago Micoria" into the summoning paper. The kid turned into a dragon that nuzzled Camille. Anya, the kid with the dog, shrugged and looked away. 

"I just cant get her back into the paper, so she turns into a little kid." Camille explained to the class. 

"Very well done, Camille." Mrs. McCormik said as she wrote on her clipboard. 

"Next up, Riya Trevino." Riya sighed as she got up and shuffled to the front. Camille gave her a thumbs up for encouragement. Riya picked up the piece of paper and whispered 

"Inflago Micoria"The smoke appeared with a weird bang. Out popped 6 faries, which looked like blobs of light. Riya held out her hand and they sat there. The kids looked on in awe, but Riya could not care less. 

"Eh-Good job? Riya??" Mrs. McCormik said, all flustered-like. 

"W-Well class, I guess that's the end of summoning out familiars? You can spend the rest of class bonding with your familiars, I guess." The teacher was mumbling about the military as she sat down. Riya returned to her seat with her fairies. Camille was just staring at her. Camille then grabbed Riya's arm and started shaking her. 

"Are you sure you're 17? That's military level stuff there!" 

"can you stop shaking me" Riya replied quietly.

"The fairies might start attacking you, and that's not a good thing." Camille let go of Riya's arm. 

"I knew you were special when I saw you this morning!" Camille said cheerily. The end of class bell rang, with the students still muttering. Camille followed Riya out of the school like a small bird, dashing from left to right. At the gates was a man in a black hoodie with blonde hair that made him look like he just woke up. He stood straighter when he saw Riya. She ran to him and nodded back to Camille who was even more confused than earlier. Riya and the boy walked together.

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