The New Arrivals

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On a happier note...


You all responded so well to the other seven (and RED)! Thanks for the feedback, you guys are giving me a reason to continue this story!

Moving on, the last chapter's trivia question was as follows:

"What do Hermoine's parents do for a living?"

And the dedication goes to...

*unfolds envelope*


Thank you to all those that commented! I'm sure you'll get it next time!

I would also like to mention a friend of mine, and a fellow Wattpadian, _lOlit-a!!! Thanks for being awesome! And Happy Birthday for last week!

I'm sorry that I've taken so long with this, I went away on the weekend and couldn't use my phone... But that is no excuse! I sincerely apologise to my dedicated DemiWizards!

Anyways, onto the chapter!

Annabeth POV (first time!)

The silence was deafening as Percy stood and glared at Draco. Even I didn't know what he was going to do. My nose was still bleeding, but I could barely feel it. I touch it gingerly, and decide that it is broken.

Suddenly, Percy advances on Draco, who is cowering on the ground. His face softens, and he reaches out a hand. Draco flinches, and then grabs Percy's hand, and stands up. He starts to dust himself off, when Percy takes out Riptide. Draco pales even more, if that's possible, and stares at Percy's hand as he mindlessly twirls the pen in his fingers.

"Y'know, my sword is made of celestial bronze. Do you know what that means? It means it can't harm mortals. Only godly beings, demigods and monsters. But, here's the thing. You guys aren't mortal. I wonder if it would still work? We could find out..." Percy stated calmly.

"W-what?" Draco stuttered.

"I wonder what'd happen if I, say, ran it through your wrist? Or maybe your leg?" Percy suggested.

Draco was speechless, so Percy continued.

"But, I wouldn't do that. Because you're not worth the mess. Maybe I'll test it in a cleaner way..." He trailed off.

Before anyone knew what was happening, Percy had uncapped Riptide, and flicked it towards Draco's arm. As fast as it had come out, Percy's sword was capped, and on Draco's arm was a small cut, no longer than my fingernail.

The pale boy let out a small yelp, and nearly collapsed in shock. Students around him stared at Percy with wide eyes, but the demigods just shrugged.

Draco's mouth was opening and closing, like a fish gasping for air. Percy looked like he was going to walk off, but decided against it. He whipped around, and punched Draco right in the middle of his terrified face. Even I know that he didn't punch his hardest, but when Draco stop staggering, I see that his nose is bent at a crooked angle, just like mine. The blood starts flowing, and Percy walks over to me.

"Serves him right." He mutters as he grabs my hand and we walk back to the front of the group.

"Seaweed Brain." I say back.

He rolls his eyes at me, and we look up to see our friends smirking at us.

"Typical Kelp Head and his loyalty." Thalia says.

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