Harry's House Party

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Warning: this chapter contains, use of alcohol and drugs.

Your POV

"You're going to the party tonight right?" You heard someone ask another student while you placed your text books inside your light blue locker. "Oh, Harry's right? Yeah! I'll be there!" Your eyebrows raised from the name that left the random student's mouth. "I heard Jay Z was going to be there." You looked in the direction where the students were and watched as they walked down the long, narrow high school hallway that held classrooms and lockers on the walls.

You tried to listen some more, but all you could hear was the final bell ring for 5th period. "Harry's having a party?" You asked yourself under your breath. I mean, it wouldn't surprise you, he IS the most popular boy in this school, why wouldn't he have a huge party? "Y/N!" You jumped while turning around to face the screeching voice of your best friend, Sarah.

"Sarah!" You yelled back with a giggle, unlike her, she looked more worried and upset than joyful like she usually is. "We have to get to class! What are you doing still in the hallway!?" She whispered sternly to you while she nearly pulled your arm out of your socket as you both headed to your bio class. You felt like you had ran into your mother in the hallway and she was lecturing you for just standing.

Once you sat down next to Sarah in class which luckily had a substitute, you sighed and played with your hair quietly. You had the biggest crush on Harry Styles, the king of the school, but I mean, who didn't? He had it all. You really wanted to go to his party, but at the same time, you didn't really know each other that well, it would be a little awkward if you just randomly showed up to his house, you don't even know the group of guys he hangs out with, only by name. Zayn, Niall, Louis, and Liam, they were always with Harry, following him down the hallways and winking at girls that stared at them. They were practically a wolf pack.

"Y/n, are you alright?" You sighed to Sarah's words and turned to her, revealing her blue eyes and light brown hair that she never put up in a bun or ponytail, due to her self-conscious appearance of her shaped head, which to you the size of her head was completely fine. "Did you hear Harry Styles was having a party tonight? And that apparently Jay z was going to be there?" Sarah nodded and then looked around the class room, "yeah, but I highly doubt Jay z is going to show up to a non-popular, random high school party."

You nodded at her response, but still couldn't help but feel hugely left out of a once in a lifetime night. "Why do you like Harry anyway? You've never even heard him speak." You laughed and looked down shyly to her words. She wasn't wrong, I have truly never heard a word come out of his mouth, all I've ever done was notice his looks and his amazing some what curly hair that he often ran his ringed fingers through while he walked down the hallway, along with licking his lips.

You found yourself thinking about what outfit he could possibly be wearing today. Maybe it's a brown shirt with a black trench coat and black skinny jeans with Chelsea boots because of the winter weather. You then smiled as you pictured him walking down the empty school hallway toward you in that same outfit, his tongue licking his bottom lip while you watched his eyes move from your feet to your eyes.

His teeth now tugging at his bottom lip while coming closer toward you, closer and closer, you could almost smell him at this point. When he opened his mouth, you could only imagine what voice was awaiting for you, your knees weakened right before you heard his voice, "y/n!" You narrowed your eyebrows as you watched his lips, he sounded so much like Sarah. "Y/n! Come on!" His lips mouthed the words but Sarah's voice was escaping his lips.

You snapped out of your daydream after Sarah nudged you, you blinked several times, revealing your reality of the bio class you were in earlier before your dream. You watched as people where leaving the class, "the bell rang, come on!" Sarah said while making her way to the door in a quick manner. You quickly grabbed your books, rushing with your bag over your shoulder and your huge text books in your arms, of course you were the last person to leave the class room.

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