Love and love

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"We should get back to school..." Connor says. "Are you coming?" Evan asks. "Yeah.... I'm coming" Connor answers and stands up, he holds his hand out towards Evan. Evan takes his hand and Connor pulls him up, but he doesn't let go of his hand. They walk to school, holding hands. When the went inside, Connor sighed and frowned "we have to go class now..." he says. Evan smiles and kisses Connors cheek "after this is lunch then we get out and have the weekend" Evan told him. Connor smiles and blushes "your right". They go separate ways, when Connor gets in he gets many glares, and whisper "is he smiling?" Some asked "he might be high". But most whispers where about his smile. The teacher gasped "C-Connor?" The teacher asked "uh yeah?" He looked at her "Y-you look awful happy.." she said. Connor shrugs and say down, he laid his head down, still smiling. Evan went into class and saw Zoe. Evan was also smiling and blushing. Zoe smiled as he sat down "you look happy Evan..." she says. Evan smiles more, so happy he couldn't speak.


It was the end of class. Connor ran out and put his stuff in his locker, he went outside, since he never ate at school. Evan smiles and gets his food, he looks for Connor, he frowns as he doesn't see him. He sits down in a corner. Zoe goes up to him. "Hey? You okay Evan? You look upset..." Zoe asks. "Do you know where your brother is?" Evan asks. "Um... yeah... he is always outside... why?" She asks again. "Okay thanks!" He smiled and went outside. She was left in confusion. "Okay...?" She shrugged and went to Alana. "Hey baby!" Alana yells. There was a few glares at Alana. Alana giggles "no homo guys!" Zoe smiles and kisses her cheek. "No homo at all". Alana giggles and hold Zoes hand. "Nope.. no homo here..." Alana smiles. Zoe blushes and hold it back, then she kisses Alanas hand "totally no homo.." Alana blushes then dips Zoe in front of everyone. They both blush and smile, walking outside holding hands. "HoLy ShIt YoUr BrOtHeR iS sMilInG!" Alana says. Zoe looks over and smiles "holy shit... he is!" Connor smiled and Evans hand. Evan held it back. Connor sat down then put Evan on his lap. Evan blushed and smiled. Zoe sneaked up behind Connor and went up to his ear "ohhhhh" she says. Evan and Connor burst out laughing. Connor stops laughing, just to hear Evans laugh. Connor smiled. Ecan gasped and jumped up "OMG CONNOR YOU WERE LAUGHING! AND YOUR SMILING!" Evan fanboyed. Zoe and Alana fangirled with Evan. Connor chuckles. Evan smiles and runs down the steps and rounds around the field yelling "I LOVE CONNOR MURPHY!!!!" not caring who was hearing. Connor smiles and blushes. Evan runs back up the stairs and went to Connor and grabbed his face "i love you Connor!" Connor smiled. Alana and Zoe fangirl. Evan giggles then Connor pulls him close and kisses him. Evan kissed back. Everything else was slow motion, nothing else matters exept for him and Connor. Connor smiled and kissed deeper. Evan giggles into kiss, so does Connor. Connor tears up and Connor whispered in between a kiss "thank you so much Ev". Evan smiles "i love you Connor Murphy" Evan says, their lips barley touching. "I love you too Evan Hansen". Evan and Connor continued Evan. Then Jared (fuck you Jared) saw, he rolled his nose and went up to them. "FAGOTS!" he yelled before pushing Evan done the stairs. Evan hits his head. Connor growls and grabs Jared, "don't mess with my future husband... bitch!" He throws Jared down the stairs. Not caring if he killed him. Connor picked up Evan. Bridal. "Evan my love... are you okay?" Evan slightly opened his eyes "I am now" Connor giggles and kisses Evan, Evan giggled and blushes. Connor puts him down, then he kisses again. They pulled back, since they hear faint moaning. Alana amd Zoe were making out, Alanas hands were on Zoes butt, and Zoes hands were in Alanas hair. It was okay because everyone else was gone, since school was over. Connor giggled and takes a picture


Thirty minutes later, they were all making out, Connor and Evan passionately kissed. Meanwhile, Alana went over to Zoes house. Zoe opened the door for Alana. They went to Zoes room. Zoe sat on the floor and Alana sat on the floor. Alana smiled "Zoe... come here" right then and there Zoe hopped up and went on Alanas lap. They started making out. "Your mom and dad isnt here... right?" Alana asks, having a slight snirk in her face. Zoe shaked her head "no my beautiful queen, they are not here~" Alana blushes a lot before making hot and steamy contact with Zoes lips. Zoe kisses back, their tongues touching over a thousand times. Alana slipped her hand up Zoes shirt. Zoe giggled and let her. (*lenny*) Alana took off Zoes shirt. Zoe did the same to Alana. Both shirtless and making out like the world will end soon. Alana flips on top of Zoe. Zoes head hit the pillow. Alana started kissing down, to Zoes neck, to her chest, to her torso, to her waist. Zoe arches her back towards Alana. Alana takes off Zoes pants along with her underwear. Alana smiles as she goes back up to Zoes soft lips. She kisses them soft and Zoe kissed back. Zoe stripped off Alanas bra amd threw it across the room. Alana took of Zoes bra. Leaving Zoe completly naked. Zoe then takes off Alanas pants and underwear. "I love you Alana~" Zoe says. "I love you too Zoe~"


Connor had Evan pressed against the wall. Evan would sometimes pull back, he wasn't used to this much, sinve he was a little cinnamon roll and weak when it came to Connor. Evan giggles "s-sorry Connor" he panted, "i-im just not used to this.." Connor giggles "Ev... god i love you so much... i cant.... your too much for me..." Evan smiles, "Connor... can you come over?" Evan asks. Connor nods "yes of course, my beautiful Evan" Connor says. Evan blushes "yay okay my sexy lover named Connor."

So Connor goes to Evans house (didn't do anything) They kissed a lot. But ot wasnt make out, he was pecks, smiles, giggles and snuggles while watching movies and scary videos. Alana and Zoe on the other hand, fucked the night away. Hue... hue hue... hue

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