Chapter Seven: Agitation and Misconceptions

Start from the beginning

Adele stepped behind her and began fastening the tabs on the back of the dress. "It's a good thing you settled on one or you would have had to visit the modiste."

"Don't fret. I will help put the clothes away when I return. Now let's put my hair up."

"Men enjoy seeing a woman with their hair down in the daytime. I will use the combs and let you see how it looks with that scooped neckline." Adele did this and left the long curls trailing down her back. "You will make him tongue-tied."

The compliment helped to dissolve her anxiety. "Wouldn't that be nice? I would have a distinct advantage." She stood and shook out her dress.

Adele gave Gabby's shoulder a pat. "Trust your instincts. They have seldom let you down. You were convinced he was an honorable, trustworthy man, and men of that caliber do not flaunt their mistresses in front of women they wish to court."

Gabriella hugged her close. "What would I ever do without you?"

A tender smile touched her face, as she teased, "You will never have a chance to know. I will follow you wherever you go."

A tap on the door turned their attention as Lynette entered the room. "Your father has asked that you allow him some time with the Marquess before coming down. He wishes to speak with him."

"You might suggest he learn whether or not he keeps a paramour."

Lynette gasped, "Gabriella! Such thoughts."

Gabby stood in front of the mirror and puffed out her sleeves. "Did you not wonder about such things when you were being courted by Papa?"

"Absurd question, little one." Lynette approached her daughter and turned her around by the shoulders to see her face. "Paramours keep men sane until they marry. After that, it is up to you to keep your husband satisfied. The marriage bed is to be enjoyed and that means finding ways to please each other frequently." She sent Adele a teasing glance and then told her daughter, "If you show your husband your enjoyment in bed, he will not go outside the marriage for satisfaction unless he is not right in the head. N'est ce pas?"

"Yes, I understand what you're telling me but, Mother, those of the ton often regard marriage differently. Look at all the infidelity." Disgusted annoyance beset her as she turned to sit down and found the furniture covered with her dresses.

Lynette shrugged a shoulder with a tilt of her head. "It is because they either marry for money or social position. You, my little dove, will marry for love as I found with your papa. Nothing else is acceptable. And looking is very pleasing, yes?"

Gabby picked up a dress and slid the sleeves over the pole inside the wardrobe. "Sometimes."

"Then they are not wooing you hard enough. Make them. You must teach them to be attentive. If they make you unhappy, they must bring you gifts as your papa does for me." All three women giggled at the times John brought Lynette something after a spat she had caused because of boredom. Then they had spent hours in the bedroom.

* * *

The butler led Lord Grey into the baron's study as soon as he arrived. John rose from behind his desk and stepped around to greet him. "'Tis good to see you, Lord Grey. I know you wish to see my daughter, but I hoped to speak to you about investing in your shipping line. By what I've discovered, you are looking to add steamships." He waved to a chair this side of the desk and joined him in the one nearby.

Astonished, Edward took a seat. "Your information is correct. A vessel of that caliber could cut travel time in half. When dealing with the Americans, that can be important. They have shipping fleets but if I deliver more quickly..."

En garde, Milady, Saber Dance Series, Book 1 (Sample Only) now on AmazonWhere stories live. Discover now