Return of The Creator (Writings)

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            Henry gave a sigh as he walked into the building the male had just received a letter from his old friend Joey Drew. It said that the other wanted to talk to him along with showing him something, tho he didn't know what it was. And they hadn't talked since they had gotten into that fight some 30 years ago when Joey started to act crazy. But maybe Joey was doing much better now as he walked around he smiled seeing his old desk and stopped for a moment to look at it. Henry remembered the old times when he wasted so much time just drawings and fixing any messed up pages. Touching the old desk he ran his fingers over it for a moment before pulling his hand away. He couldn't let his mind wander he had to find Joey so they could talk so turning on his heels he started to walk again. Soon he came to a room that had a giant machine in it "huh.... so this is the ink machine...wonder how you turn it on?" he asked himself. Quickly he started to look for a way to turn it on but didn't find a switch so leaving the room he went to go find one. As he walked into a room he froze seeing the body of Boris who's chest was cut wide open "Oh God, Joey what... what were you doing?" he said.

       Henry quickly looked away as he covered his mouth in response to the poor wolf being in this state. Maybe when he found Joey he could ask what the hell was going on but for now, he had to turn on the machine. So after a bit of looking around, he found a room and after some deducing and listening to Wally's audio recording he had to put someone on those pedestals. First, he found an inkwell, next was a book that said "The Illusion of Living" after that he got a cog, Bendy plushie, a wrench. All he needed was something to do with music which he found to be a record. That seemed to be all of the items now he just had to fix the flow and flip the switch that was in the room. Once doing that he made his way to the ink machine once again, which to his surprise was now boarded up "the hell?" he said as he got closer. Only for something to reach out and try and grab him this caused the male to start running. Henry almost made it to the exit only to fall through the floor with a loud thud.

      Groaning the man groan reaching up to rub a hand through his light brown hair checking for any bumps. He didn't find any but now he was gonna be sore from that fall that and now he had to find another way out. Giving a sigh the man looked around and saw an ax a nearby wall and grabbed it figuring it could be of some use for him to use while he tried to get out. And be a good weapon to fend off whatever the hell had tried to attack him "welp not gonna get out just standing around" he said to himself. And with that, he pressed on using the ax to break down any wooden boards that were in his way and stepped over random ink piles. As he walked along the man stopped to wonder if that is what Joey wanted to show him but shook the thought out of his head and kept on going. Soon he came to a room that had what looked to be coffins leaning against the wall and a pentagram in the middle. Which Henry wasn't gonna lie freaked him out as he walked in carefully he stopped as he froze. Something's flashed in front of Henry's eyes before the man fell to the floor passing out on the ground.

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