plan b 01

585 29 11

[everyone in operation wonhui is now online]

coups: how'd it go?

caramelfudge: not good

dsunshinek: mingyu ripped the flowers "accidentally"

dsunshinek: minghao cussed nonstop

dsunshinek: and those two didn't get their romantic moments at all

dsunshinek: also

dsunshinek: jun hyung wouldn't wear the dress

1230soo: that's bad

1004han: no shit sherlock

aplusquality: what was minhao hyung's idea again?

caramelfudge: lock them in a room till they bang each other all night

mingay: i do not agree

saltshaker: same

busanguy: 3

coups: 4

aplusquality: i agree  63894037151900062528%

1004han: me too

dsunshinek: sorry, but, me 3

chan: 4

vernillaice: 5

1230soo: this is sinning, but me 6

coups: those two will be worst than the 97 lines together

caramelfudge: sorry but

caramelfudge: we're platonic

mingay: yup

dsunshinek: approved

coups: anyone have another plan, tho

coups: we need a foolproof one

1230soo: go to the mall and ditch those two

1230soo: maybe?

coups: we could probably do that

1004han: sure

1004han: if you actually want your deepest darkest secret to be reviled in our next fansign

caramelfudge: or set them as rumors

mingay: they wouldn't help me with cookings too tho

aplusquality: ^^^^^^^

chan: ditch that plan

saltshaker: i have an idea!

busanguy: dear god

[saltshaker has added minmoong to the chat room]

minmoong: sup gays

1004han: hey hyung

minmoong: angel

aplusquality: changed your username?

minmoong: sure did round butts

aplusquality: wat

aplusquality: why did i hear screechy laughs?

saltshaker: i think that was hoon

coups: i heard a dead clapping seal tbh

1230soo: may you two rip in pieces

minmoong: okay

minmoong: why am i here tho

coups: oh yeah right

saltshaker: we need ideas on how to make wonhui realer than the other ships that's going to sail later

minmoong: just that?

aplusquality: yup

chan: pleas make it pg

minmoong: make them bang in a locked up room

minmoong: whoops

minmoong: srry maknae

[coups has removed minmoong from the chat]

vernillaice: wait

vernillaice: why not make them do guard night together

mingay: now that's a pretty good idea

coups: their duty will be tomorrow since jun has a sift tomorrow

chan: is that all for the second plan?

dsunshinek: what if it didn't work?

coups: then we'll use hao's idea

caramelfudge: yes

caramelfudge: bet jun-ge is the needy bottom

mingay: xu minghao no

caramelfudge: xu minghao yes

coups: omg

1004han: i like where this is going


junhui felt a shiver down his spine that was soon followed by a loud sneeze.

"you okay?" wonwoo asked, cuddling more to junhui.

"a bit cold," junhui answered, shivering once again, "maybe."

concern was written on wonwoo's face. he felt iffy seeing his crush sick. even if their relationship isn't official, yet. he just can't see the too good of a person a.k.a moon junhwi got sick. which makes him thinks back to an accident a few days ago, where a child forgot to bring an umbrella and is almost soaked to the bones. and junhui, being the angel like human being he is, decided to give the little child his umbrella, and shared one with wonwoo (even though he likes pdas from junhui and sharing an umbrella with him, wonwoo took most of the cover than junhui, again, junhui being junhui).

"if you're sick, i'm going to replace seongcheol hyung for guard duty tomorrow so i can take care of you." wonwoo said, hiding his red face to the book he's reading.

the words makes junhui happy and he pulled out his usual smile. "sure you would."

and after he said that, a pillow was slammed to his face.


this chapter is pretty fun to do. and i hope you all had a pretty fun time reading it too.

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