Chapter 11

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I sat on the leather couch as I rotated my glass of bourbon around staring into the fire. Elena came and flopped on the couch in front of me rubbing her temple. Her ties were loosen ,her dress shirt were unbutton and untagged, and her face looks tired. " Rough day that the office" she rolled her eyes and nodded. I took a slip of my liquor as I heard a piercing scream. Elena and bolted up and another scream was heard, it was Jackson.Elena and I speeded to the door and it was wide opened.

I looked in and there was Jackson and Melissa, she had Jackson by her neck with her teeth. Jackson seemed to lose conscious. Before I could do anything Elena ran in and grabbed Melissa and threw her through the wall making Melissa break to the other side. I ran to the bathroom and grabbed a towel and picked up Jackson. I tried to stop the bleeding, I heard more grunting and fisting punching. I turned and Elena was beating the shit out of Melissa. " If you EVER come NEAR her again I'll make sure you're six feet under to Hades!!!" Elena held Melissa by the collar with a death grip. As I heard Jackson heart beat slows down I begin to panic. " When did you care about the mutt" Melissa huff and groaned.

Leena was gonna hit her when I yelled to stop, Elena realized what's going on with Jackson. She snapped Melissa neck and ran toward us. " GUARDS" seconds later two men came in " Call the Kingdom Doctor" one of them bow and ran out, " you stay and carry that bastard out" the guards bowed and dragged Melissa away from us. Jackson slowly opened her eyes and looked at Elena. She began to whimper and crawled away from her. I stopped Jackson as she gripped to my arms and hide herself in my chest. I rubbed her arms and shoulder to eased her. A few minutes later the nurses came with a medic bed and carried Jackson out.\

Elena followed right behind the nurses with Jackson. Jackson was now passed out, we followed them into the one of the rooms but were stopped " Your highness" Elena growled loudly"Move" The guards was trying to reason was Elena was about to slit his throat when I stopped her " I'm sure they need room to mend up Jackson" Elena hesitated but put her sword back in to the scabbard. She sent the guard a death glare. I jerk my head to the left telling him to leave if he wants to keep his head. He obligated and scrabbled away, we wanted for hours. 

Finally our doctor came out, " Your Highness, Lady Melissa had released a venom into the wolf, we managed to extracted most of it but for now we just have to wait until the wolf recovers to flushed the rest out." Elena suddenly grabbed the doctor and slammed him into the wall, damn this girl needs to work on her  tempers. " I brought her here for you to make sure she lives and healthy not dally dido around!" she snarled " I want that venom FLUSHED OUT BY DUST" she dropped him as he crawled quickly back " Y-yes your majesty" he and the rest of the nurse ran in again.

" You know they're trying right " I said calmly, she snapped her head at me " I don't want try I need it DONE" she said in a frustration voice " When did you start caring"  her eyes suddenly turned gold " Excuse me" she growled and stood up. I stood up but backed away a few inches " when did you start to care if Jackson lives or die, you locked her up for two years without visiting her, and you let that bitch torture her!" Elena launched at me and tackling us knocking over chairs and paintings. She grabbed me by the next and threw me across the hall way.

As if I was about to stand, she grabbed my neck and slammed me back against the wall " You'll never understand" with that she forcefully snapped my neck side ways as I fell into darkness.


I ordered the guards to carry Jamie back to her room. I walked back and picked up one of the knocked over chairs and placed it near the Medic room and sat down. I crouched down rubbing my temple and heavily sigh. What was I doing? Why do I have to be such a dick? I waited and waited and the doctor finally came out. I lifted my head. He flinched as he looked into my eyes as it turn from brown to gold with anger. " W-we gave her a potion to carry the venom in one placed and extracted her system is now clean your highness.' I nodded " Carry her into my chamber's" he was gonna say something but I growled he knew and nodded and ordered the nurse to do what I asked.


It was late around 2:34am I sat on the bed next to Jackson making sure she doesn't act up or get harmed. I noticed scars on her back that was there before until I realized "when did you start to care if Jackson lives or die, you locked her up for two years without visiting her, and you let that bitch torture her!" my body came into rage realizing what I had caused I let her hurt my mate, I was supposed to care for her I did that exact opposite because I was scared to love I was a coward. I stood up and closed my chamber's door. " You over there" I called out for the two guards " You two guard here until I get back. They bowed and stood by the door on each side. lowering the speared creating an X on the door.

I walked down to the dungeon, to the farthest cell. Melissa was against the wall craving with her nails on the wall. She realized it was me and her mood changed to a smirk " Oh Elena I knew you came back for me" I scoff and unlocked the cell walking in, she was about to walk to me closer but I shut the door causing her to look at me in confusion. " You and I are gonna have soooo much fun" I pulled out my dagger with a sadistic smiled.

I know this is little shorter than most chapters but  bare with me

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