Chapter 8

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Rene's POV
I turn 15 in less than 2 days and my uncles are dragging me out of the palace, I mumbled" Where are we going?"
Uncle 'Lijah says" Somewhere, Here, I'll carry you." I stopped walking and he lifted me into his arms, I wrapped my arms around his neck,
Uncle Klaus said" Darling, remember that promise I made to you long ago?" I said" The one about a dog?" He hummed, I opened my eyes, saying" Seriously?" He chuckled, then Uncle 'Lijah said" Hold on." I held onto him tighter and we were off.

We got to a little farm house, I saw Josh and Marcel waiting for us, I said" Hey."
Josh said" Happy Early Birthday."
I smiled, nodding my thanks, Marcel said" This way." Uncle 'Lijah put me down and we started walking, he led us to a a little shed and then opened the door, a dog ran out. I smiled, saying" Awww!" I crouched down, petting the dog, it licked my face, I smiled, Marcel said" And the best part." He hissed and the dog started barking pushing Marcel away from me. Marcel stopped, the dog calmed down, I said" Cool." Marcel said" He'll only do that if he feels if you're in danger. So he won't do it to any of your family." Josh said" What are you gonna name him?" I looked at the dog, I said" Hi, Oliver."
Uncle Klaus said" Good name. Now let's get home before your father worries." He picked up Oliver and then Uncle 'Lijah lifted me up, I closed my eyes, falling asleep.

Once I woke up, someone was carrying me, I opened my eyes and saw my dad, he said" Hey, princess. You fell asleep before you left the farm." I heard Oliver following us, Dad put me onto my bed and then Oliver jumped next to me, curling up and falling asleep. Dad said" Looks like he's just like you." I kicked at him he sped out the door, closing it, I smiled, saying" Good night!" I laid down and closed my eyes, falling back to sleep, cuddling with Oliver.

Oliver  ^^

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Oliver  ^^

I woke up to my dad saying" Princess, wake up! It's noon!" I mumbled" No." He said" Please? We'll go out and eat." I sat up, he chuckled, saying" Come on!" He grabbed my hands, pulling me out of bed, I laughed as I held onto him so I wouldn't fall. I smiled, saying" good morning." He said" Morning?" I pouted, he put me down and walked out, I quickly got dressed then walked downstairs.

We left the palace, leaving Oliver in the hands of Aunt Freya and Bekah. Once we got to the restaurant, we got lunch and then messed around for a while. I smiled, then threw a fry at my dad, He caught it and looked at me, I smiled innocently, He said" Really?" He threw it back at me and it hit my nose and then he laughed, I pouted and stuck out my tongue at him. He laughed, and then poked my nose, I tried to bit his finger, he pulled it back and then took my milkshake, I glared at him. He chuckled and then gave it back, I said" You're evil." He said" No, I'm not." I said" You took my milkshake, that's like taking candy from a baby." He chuckled and smiled, I smiled.
It's my birthday, I watched as my dad rushed around my room, literally, and then stopped in front of me. He said" Okay, Klaus and Elijah are getting the food and cake, Rebekah is going to get the Mystic Falls gang, Freya is decorating the palace. I smiled, he said" And you and I are going shopping for your outfit, Rebekah says I can't say anything of your outfit no matter what it is."
I smiled, saying" Good." He groaned and then smiled as he saw me giggle, we walked out but he had to cover my eyes since I'm not allowed to see the decorations.

Once we got to the stores, we shopped around for a while, My dad was either pouting or brooding or smiling since he didn't like some things I tried on. I smiled as I finally got my full outside and whatever my eyes landed on since my dad was spoiling me today.
We got to the palace at night, before we walked in, my dad left to go do something, Elena, Caroline and Bonnie walked up. I smiled, and hugged them, Caroline said" Let's go, Makeover." I said" No, I don't-" Bonnie said" It's happening." I nodded, then followed them to the side room. They got me ready.

I looked at the mirror, my eyes widened, I said" Oh, my god

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I looked at the mirror, my eyes widened, I said" Oh, my god.." Caroline laughed, I said" How is this.." Bonnie said" Teenagers." I laughed and smiled, I said" My dad is going to freak out!" Elena said" Well, then he can't be the first to see you." She ran out, I looked at Bonnie and Caroline, they shrugged, Elena returned with Tyler and Jeremy,
She said" What do you guys think?" Tyler said" Innocent opinion or my actual thought?" Caroline said" Reminder she's 15." He said" I know." I said" No, I'm changing."
Jeremy said" You look amazing, Rene. Seriously." I smiled, I said" Uncle 'Lijah! Your assistance is needed in the room next to the front door!" Uncle 'Lijah walked in,
He said" Amazing. You're growing too fast." I walked to him and hugged him, He said" You need to stop growing for a while longer." I let go of him, I said" Where's my dad?"
He said" I would say helping, but that would be lying, he's attempting to help Freya with the food." I smiled, saying" How many things has he dropped?" He shook his head and walked out, I smiled then squeaked.

Once the party got started, Elena said" You ready?" I nodded, breathing out, She held out her arm, I looped mine with hers and then we walked out, catching everyone's attention. Aunty Behka and Freya gasped and smiled widely, Uncle Klaus was shocked, and my dad was farther than shocked, he was frozen. I said" Hey!" Elena chuckled, and let go of me, I walked to my dad, I smiled up at him. His eyes watered up, I said" No, don't cry." I hugged him, he hugged me, saying" Don't grow up, Princess." I smiled, Uncle Klaus walked over, He smiled at me, saying" You still have those puppy eyes." Dad said" You do know that we are having a father daughter dance, correct?" I said" Of course, let's see how old you really are." Dad said" You devilish..." I laughed and tried to run but nearly fell but my dad caught me, he said" Always so clumsy." I nodded, We walked to my aunts and they both hugged me, saying" You look amazing, Sweetie, so amazing." Dad said" You look beautiful, Princess, but no boys till I'm dead." I said" But you d.. Hey! That's not fair!" He chuckled, saying" Life's not fair." I said" You don't die. So that means I can't ever have a boyfriend or get married or have--" My dad covered my mouth, saying" I love you but I never want to hear those words, like ever again." He smiled at me and put his hand down, I said" Have kids! Uncle Klaus save me!" I was sped away from my dad, I smiled at Uncle Klaus,
he said" Mischievous child, have you learned far too much from your father and I?" I said" Yeah, I have. You know... Your wallet's missing." He checked his pockets and then looked at me with a smirk, saying" I shouldn't have taught you that." I said" You taught a 7 year old how to pick pocket, that was your mistake." I gave him his wallet back and smiled, walking to Elena and Caroline and started having fun.

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