Chapter 1

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A/N: Hello everyone! This is my first fic ever so I'm not very good at writing these but I'll try. Okay first off I do not own Stand By Me or any of the characters in it, but I do own all of the people you do not recognize from Stand By Me. Also I'm going to try my hardest and keep this different from a marysue fanfic. Thanks and hope you enjoy, oh and also there is some heavy sarcasm in here...oh and there are some allusions in here with slightly changed names so idk (not illusions, but allusions. allusions are references to modern culture/entertainment) Also this first chapter is focusing on Kristin's backstory a lot, so we won't be seeing any of the stand by me characters that we all know and love. Also it would be awesome if you guys could leave a review since this is my first fic! :)

I groaned as we pulled out of our driveway from the house that i grew up in for the last time. I slumped in the back seat as we drove to the airport, listening to a depressing playlist on spotify that i made for the plane and the ride there. I mean i had a right to complain! We were moving from my house in Delaware to some small stinky little town in Oregon called Castle Rock. I had leave all of my closest friends that I had been with since kindergarten! I loved my friends with all of my heart and not to mention had been through everything with me. We have so many inside jokes that when we would speak in front of other people it was like we were talking nonsense. We would laugh at things that weren't even nearly funny to others but to us was just another link to one of our many immature, reckless experiences. My dad's job was transferred to Castle Rock and I was not happy at all about leaving. I watched as I passed my familiar surroundings for the last time and let all of it sink in. I stared out the window as we drove by while listening to just another one of my pathetic songs. I always felt that when you stare out a window listening to music you feel like you're in some depressing music video or movie (yes i know I'm weird). We have reached the highway and i'm over moping for the moment and will continue once we get on our flight. I reached into my backpack and felt around for my sketch book. Shit. "UHHHGG mom, i packed away my sketch book instead of putting in in my bag!" I groaned. "well just read then." is all my mother said. My dad was too busy mansplaining how to get google maps to avoid traffic, so he didn't even acknowledge my dilemma. Meanwhile i had a pounding headache, probably from the anxiety of moving to a new town where i knew absolutely no one, or I'm car sick, i don't know which one. A half an hour into moving and it's already hell. Please fuck me gently with a chainsaw.

Once we got through security and were settled in on the plane, I just sighed and decided to try and get some sleep since my stupid ass went to bed at 3 in morning and we had to get up at 5...oops. I was just about to fall asleep when all of a sudden I got a spam of texts on my squad group chat from my three closest friends, Caddie, Isa, and Selena. "KRISTIN KRISTIN KRISTIN KRISTIN KRISTIN KRISTIN !!!! ANSWER ME NOW! I KNOW YOURE THERE!!! K R I S T I N!!" Caddie spammed. "oh lord what the hell is wrong lol" I typed jokingly. "YOU FORGOT TO SAY BYE TO SNEK!!" Caddie typed. 'Snek' was our code name for this kid that I used to low-key have a thing with for like 3 days but then we ended it. A lot of things happened between us and I liked him for a really long time until we got into a huge fight over something. I'll explain the whole story since this plane ride is going to take so freakin long. Ok so i was still head over heels for this guy named Alex, who's code name between my besties and me was Snek(a form of snake made by a typo). As I previously said, we kinda were in a relationship but i ended it because my mom didn't know about it and she would skin me alive (not really) if she found out about it. But also I was pissed at him because we were 'dating' and he didn't even talk to me during those 3 days, so I ended it because honestly it wasn't working out. I felt like sloppy seconds since he dated another girl in my class and I did not want to be treated like a side hoe. We left it off as we still like each other but we aren't a thing. And so he never responded to any of my texts or anything so I decided to try my hardest and get over him, but it never worked. So one night i was Facetiming Isa and we were bored and talking about my feelings towards Snek when all of a sudden an TERRIBLE idea popped into my head. But little did I know that this horrid idea would bring out the truth about how he felt about me. So the idea was that Isa would send him a hot picture of me with a caption saying 'HIT UP MY BESTIE SHES SINGLE' and said 'oops wrong person' after it went through (i know its really stupid...). So we sent it and he responded right away like "oh shit is that Kristin..." "Yeah" "who was that supposed to go to" "My hot cousin...". Anyway so he sent me a screenshot of the pic and was like "um your friend Isa accidentally sent this 10/10 DAMN picture of you ;)" and so I was like "oh lol that was meant for her cousin". And by then I was pissed because he never answered any of my texts or calls until he received that picture and I told him he was an ass. And I really wanted to play the victim card here so I sent a text that went like this "I cant believe you are so shallow as to only respond and want to talk to me after that picture, I honestly thought you were better than this. I have liked you for so long but all you've done is ignore me. And I get if you don't like me back, but its common curtesy to answer to someone after at least a week. I've given you so many chances and now i'm done with you. This isn't just about now, its about all the time. I believe we are done here. Congratulations, you've lost me as a friend." I was very proud of myself by sending this and I was blasting the song I Will Survive in my head phones and dancing on my bed at 12 am...until I got this long ass sappy text back. "KRISTIN IVE LIKED YOU FOREVER I WAS JUST AFRAID YOU WOULD TURN ME DOWN. YOU MEAN SOMETHING TO ME YOU REALLY DO. WHEN YOU TOLD ME YOU WANTED TO JUST BE FRIENDS I LITERALLY CRIED FOR 2 DAYS AND I FELT SO ALONE. IM REALLY SORRY ABOUT ALL OF THE STUPID THINGS IVE SAID TO YOU. YOU AFRE NOT JUST ANOTHER GIRL I TEXT...Kristin I love you." and of course it melted my heart so i forgave him and we worked things out and then guess fucking what! HE NEVER REALLY TALKED TO ME AGAIN. Like okay hoe you do you. Alright i think i explained that enough, now back to the car ride. "oh well, too late now..." i answered back to their texts about not saying goodbye to him. "BUT KRISTIN YOU LOVEEEEE HIM" Isa answered."mmm" is all Selena had to say about this. 'Mmm' was how Selena hinted dirty jokes and also how she agreed with things. It was a multipurpose saying for her. Selena was definitely one of the dirtiest of my close friends, but so am I so hey, we get along really well. One time in Spanish class we made a daddy joke right as our teacher said "Okay turn to page 69." And Selena and I burst out laughing and my teacher just glared at us and said "oh wow a number, how funny." But little did she know that was only half of what made it so funny.From having deep conversations, to drawing dildos in each other's Spanish books while the victim wasn't looking, they were the best friends i could ever have. Okay back to Alex, I didn't think that I have that strong of feelings towards him anymore. "hah ur funny... and i don't even think he would have wanted to say bye or anything because that would be hella awkward because we don't really talk." I sent back. I really hope he doesn't fucking try and talk to me while i'm in Castle Rock because sorry sir you missed your chance. "Please shut down all electronic devises and turn on airplane mode on your phones." the flight attendant said over the loud speaker. So I said bye to my friends an turned my phone on airplane mode and I fell asleep listening to Jon Bellion with my head phones on. I woke up about 4 hours later, which was surprising because I never sleep well on planes. My stomach grumbled so I broke into the bag of chex mix in my bag that I brought to the seat with me. I sighed and turned on the screen that was attached to the seat in front of me. Luckily all the stuff was free on here so I decided to watch the movie My Own Private Iowa (psshhh not My Own Private Idaho...;))).Oh my gosh my mom is next to me and oh God that opening scene...hah I'm ready for my execution. Once the movie was finished I went back to listening to music an day dreaming. After about 2 more hours, we landed and grabbed our bags from baggage check. We got an Uber to take us and our bags to our new house in Castle Rock. "aRe wE aLMost tHeRe yET?" I asked my dad. "Yea maybe if you got your head out of your damn phone you would have read that sign" he said, obviously a bit cranky . As soon as he had said this i whipped my head around only to catch a glimpse of the sign saying 'Welcome to Castle Rock'.

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