110 3 5

7:15 pm

She let a long sigh escape from her seethed teeth as she waited.

From the way the boy smiled, like he knew what happened to her, she knew slightly that the boy wouldn't come.

She pouted as she waited five more minutes before giving up and heading inside the comfy cafe she had time to memorize. The familiar faces smiled at her, while the non-familiar ones didn't even glance at her.

She sat in the booth she would sit in every time she would come in to get a drink.

She shivered against the sweater she had on, she didn't realize how cold it was until her face came in contact with her hands. They were cold as she pressed them closer to her face.

Oh my god. That boy.

She pulled out her phone and furrowed her eyebrows slightly as she typed out a text.

What about him?

Just come back, quickly. Need to show you something.

She sighed as she realized her date with herself was cut short. She pulled the sweater closer to her body as she walked out of the cafe.

She was deep in thought until she recognized the apartment she was staying in. She pulled out her key and let herself walk inside.

"What could she possibly tell me that was so important?" She thought, taking off her hood and going to the stairs.

As she reached her room number, 19, she could her a quiet conversation going on inside the room. She glanced at the number again, just to make sure.

She sucked in a deep breath as she pushed the door open just enough for her to walk in, which was all the way.

She let the breath go as she stared with wide eyes at the boy, who was now in her apartment with Harry, whom she had seen not very long ago. Harry smiled and made his way towards her.

Harry shut the door and let his hands rest behind his back.

"I hope you're wearing your best clothes," he breathed out, close to her ear.

She was staring at Harry, who was incredibly close to her. That was until she remembered the boy, whom was her prince charming.

He sheepishly grinned as she widened her eyes even more. Harry pulled away and looked at the boy with a slight smile.

"Oh, this is Celine, the one I told you about." His voice trailed off, still looking at the boy.

The boy smiled and nodded.

He was even more beautiful up close, his dark blonde hair was messy, but she felt as if it was styled that way. She could feel herself falling into the stare, his blue eyes were glowing a bright colour than on the street. The last thing she examined was his lips, the way it was shaped made her want to just fall into his lap and kiss them over and over again, until they were separated by death.

She pulled herself out of the deep gaze and looked towards Harry.

"Where is she?"

Something in their eyes told her that they knew what happened to her, the short but amazing girl.

She knows they bumped into her, because she didn't start her job shift so she was probably in her bed, just laying there.

"We assure you, she's fine." The boy says, the thick accent rolling off his tongue.

She found herself wanting to stay something, but she was to shocked to even let out a tiny noise.

"Wait--wait she's not here?" She gulped, finally letting words out.

The boy nodded, confusion written on his features.

Harry grabbed her hand and looked deeply into her eyes, forcing her gaze off of the boy.

"We need her, so she's perfectly fine." He says.

We need her.

Celine nodded and felt her shoulders being pulled down to the couch. She wondered what was going to happen next. She sat down and the boy said, "Would you like to come with us?"

She had to force a 'yes' out of her throat, her self-esteem was incredibly low when talking to him.


I screamed as a hand was put to my mouth, to silence me.

His eyes skimmed over the screen and looked at me.

"Good girl."

Authors note


Anyways this was short and crappy, but who give a crap, somethings finally happening.

and please remember, there are going to be some triggers (not being specific) to this story.




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