My Stars

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AN: Alright it's time for the second story! Another request from my classmate (still looking at you Jack) was a story where V feels guilty about having feelings for MC and giving up on Rika. Enjoy~~

**Possible spoilers ahead!**

"I don't deserve this."

A familiar voice pulled you out of your sleep.

"I don't deserve any of this."

You groggily turned over to see nothing but empty sheets. The sound of what seemed like a choked back sob coming from the other room immediately jolted you out of bed. You left the bedroom and saw V on the ground with his head in his hands, violently shaking. 

"Hey, Jihyun, it's okay. Don't worry. I'm here." You said in your best attempt to sound soothing while kneeling down to embrace him. This wasn't the first time this had happened, but it was already worse than the other times. Before, it would only be that one sentence and nothing else. The sentence you couldn't bear to hear him say.

"I don't deserve this."

It had been 3 months since you had officially started dating the RFA's elusive leader and you had even moved out of Rika's apartment and into V's. You hadn't expected him to be completely over Rika and you weren't going to force him. He had been emotionally damaged enough until you showed up. Having an interest in photography yourself, it wasn't long before the two of you started talking and you hit it off right away. But something seemed to be nagging him anytime you two got close. A certain hesitation that you dreaded yet anticipated. Slowly but surely, you worked with him to break down that barrier bit by bit and you could tell it was working. You never guessed that he would break down like this, though.

"Shh...Just breathe...Everything's okay Jihyun."

"Even this. I...I don't deserve you...I don't deserve your kindness" His breath hitched with every word. God it killed you to see him like this. To see him in any kind of pain after what he had to go through. You placed your hands gently on his cheeks and tilted his head up to plant a soft kiss on his forehead. His faded blue eyes flowing with tears. The sight made your own tears well up, but you had to keep strong for him.

"It's gonna be alright Jihyun...Shhh..." You rested your forehead on his and lightly brushed the tears away with your thumbs. "Deep breaths..." The way his whole body was fiercely shaking was starting to scare you, but he seemed to be calming down.

"I don't....I don't...I..."

And so you two stayed like that until he had completely calmed down after 15 minutes.

"I don't deserve you...I promised I would stay with her...I promised to be her sun and yet...Yet I betrayed her...But you still comfort me...It's not right [y/n]..." He sat on the floor staring at the carpet. "I betrayed her...Rika..."

It hurt your heart to see him like this. What he really didn't deserve was the damage she caused. The amount of pain she brought him. You tried not to let yourself hate her because you knew she was mentally ill but still. No one should ever be forced to go through what he went through.

"Jihyun look at me," You leaned down to meet his gaze, "Even if she wasn't in her right mind, she betrayed you first. She abused you both emotionally and physically. She prevented you from doing what you love by taking most of your vision. Look at me." Trying your best to keep yourself together, you put on your best "serious-mom-who-knows-what's-best-for-you" tone. "Does that sound like a healthy relationship? Is abuse okay if it's for 'love'?"

He stayed quiet for a long moment and you worried you had said the wrong thing.


"So please, please don't beat yourself up over it. You deserve happiness more than anyone in the world. If that means I have to do this a million times, I'll do it with a smile on my face. I'll be here for as long as you need me and longer. I'll do whatever I have to do to help you understand that you're worth it."

He turned his face towards you with a weak smile on his lips. Although his eyes were almost completely grey, there was still a lot of emotion in them. Gratitude, compassion, and love.

"Thank you, [y/n]. She was my sun...but you're my stars. You guide me whenever I feel hopelessly lost."

"No matter how far apart we are, whenever you see the stars just know that I'm there. Always shining down and always loving you."

New tears began to well up in his eyes as he reached over and pulled you into a tight hug.

"I was blinded by the sun, but saved by the stars. I love you so much."

AN: Shorter chapter because of lame summer projects for school but the second story is finished! Thanks for reading and don't forget to leave any prompts/suggestions for future stories in the comments! ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2017 ⏰

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