Burning sensation

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When you get up in the attic Mable ambushes you. "HA HA!" You jump in surprise and she laughs at you in victory.

"Hey so (y/n) what did Grunkle Stan want with you?" Mable question curiously. "Good thing I'm an excellent liar."

You spin a lie for her, "He just wanted me to make sure I knew the rules of the house. Especially since he's heard around town that I'm not normal." Dipper says trying to make his voice sound obvious, "What so that makes you weird or something?"
You shrug your shoulders, "Yea sure. You could call me that...."

Mable pokes her face saying "Silly haven't you heard? Weird is the new normal. You seem pretty normal to us." "Normal?" You look at them confused, then you look down saying as you think about it, "Oh yea, Wendy told me something about that."

Dipper starts moving around saying "Oh yea, so Wendy told you that?" His face goes a little red. You nod your head as Mable gets all smiley.

You ask catching on, "Sooo dip-stick you like my older sister don't you." You just nod your head forcing yourself to smile and tease him on the subject.

"Why should I be forcing myself? It's not like I like him like that or anything. Besides I don't really know what love is. I have a family that adopted me, so that means I was wanted, but they're all totally in their own worlds, except for Wendy slightly. Then Stan gives me tough love, Grey just watches me trying to guide me. And blah blah, what am I thinking about, I'm probably just still down from the talk Stan gave me."

Dipper moves his hat to hide his embarrassment, "Don't call me dip-stick. And I totally don't like her. Unless, you know, she said something." He looks up slightly in hope.

"What's this burning sensation in my chest?" Mable comes over puting her arm around your shoulders. Then she spreads her other hand out saying "Yea, Dipper's had a crush on Wendy the whole summer! Even you meeting us, on the same day can see that!" Dipper looks down crossing his arms pouting.

"He's cute pouting. WAIT DON'T YOU DARE THINK THAT AGAIN!" You keep trying to calm yourself down after your last thoughts. Your face goes a little red and the room goes cold. Mable shivers rubbing her arms, "Did it just get cold in here?"

Dipper shivers agreeing, "Yea, but wait, its summer." "Good they're getting off the topic." Your face cools down from the coolness and the room goes back to normal. You let out a hidden sigh. Grey goes and tackles Dipper causing him to start spitting out Greys' fur.

"That's what you get for sicking those make up monsters on me." Grey gets up farting in Dipper's face as a form of revenge for earlier, but really is just covering for you. Dipper start chocking on the air saying "Can't breath! Dirty air! Help!"

He slides to the ground, then Grey farts in his face again and walks over to you and Mable to join in the laughter. You all hold your sides falling to the ground laughing.

Without your knowledge, Stan had looked through the door creak watching you three sadly for the moment. Grey noticed and glared at him for his rude words to you earlier till he leaves looking down with a sigh.

Mable shows you her oh so prized grappling hook. She let's you give it a try, you aim for a pillar above you. You fly up and hang there for a while while everyone just stares up at you expressionless. You wave at them from above awkwardly and they wave back with the same amount of awkwardness.

"Um how is she...suppose to get down now?" Dipper asks looking at Mable. You both go quiet. You shrug your shoulders and undo it making you fall to the ground simply and easily, then dust yourself off.

"Wow! Cool! How did you do that (y/n)!?" Mable jumps in excitement at your actions as if it was the second most amazing thing she'd seen that day.

You shrug your shoulders again smiling as a natural goofy respond slips from your mouth, "I don't know. It's a easy ninja move. I think of myself as a ninja!"
They both say, one excited Mable of course, one confused Dipper as normal "A ninja?"

You nod your head saying, "Hey I'm always in that forest. You gotta watch out for creatures! So I practice in being a Ninja!" You jump doing a ninja move.
Mable laughs claiming out loud, "COOL!" Dipper was awe stuck in surprise but then shakes his head sighing with a smile understanding you're just playing around.

Grey sighs looking away. You yawn stretching almost falling backwards. "Come on (y/n) you can't be getting tired already!" Mable grabs your arm shaking you slightly being a whinny little girl.

You chuckle, "Don't worry I can stay up longer, but hmmm, I usually go back into the forest before it gets late..."
Dipper gets closer questioning "Why?"

You step back scratching the back of you head looking out the triangular window. "I don't know. It's just became a tradition with me to do it... and I guess, I just always felt drawn to it." You shrug your shoulders again giving him a small smile. You yawn again and draw your attention back to your hoody that's still laying on Dippers bed folded. "Hey dip-stick did you fold my hoody?"

Dipper sighs with a little blush-probably from embarrassment, "One, I told you not to call me that. And two yea. That reminds me this book fell out of it and I....put your 4 journal inside it." He holds out a red covered notebook.
Your chest puffs up with air, you snatch it away quickly, "Yea that's nothing. Thanks for giving it back."

"Oh (y/n)! What's inside the notebook!? Is it something embarrassing! Maybe a secret crush or your boyfriends name! Or....?" Mable waits for you to continue her question in what could posssibly inside the notebook.

You roll your eyes, then close them setting the record straight, "No I don't have any crushes, well I don't think I do. And I don't have any boyfriends. Why do you ask and it's none of your business for what's inside here." You open an eye and open the notebook a little letting her try to look in it over your shoulder. But you then cruley shut it in her face making her frown.

You hold it close to you and yawn for the third time that day, "I just realized this, but where am I gonna sleep? I can sleep on the floor, it wouldn't be the first time."

Mable starts thinking with a hum, "hmmm Oh I know! Time for new bed making on the floor!" She lifts Grey's hand saying "Choo choo!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2018 ⏰

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